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Enabling flexible processes by ECA orchestration architecture

Published: 10 November 2009 Publication History


Governments are looking for ways to change their business processes rapidly to adapt to the ever-changing legislation, customer needs, and other changes in the environment. In recent years, the need for more flexibility has become eminent due to the long implementation times of new legislations. As such, governments are searching for ways to create flexible business processes to adapt to changes. Yet there is little insight into how their business processes can be made more flexible. In this paper various ways of creating flexible business processes are reviewed. The quest for creating flexible processes is described by identifying various forms of the implementation of applications to execute business processes (workflows). We found that the implementations based on both knowledge rules (separating knowledge from processes) and event-condition-actions (ECA) mechanisms to determine the next step in a workflow, and resources (to deal with availability, utilization and ensure lead time) are expected to provide the highest level of flexibility to adapt to changes in the environment. Based on these findings, an ECA process orchestration architecture is developed and recommendations for further research are presented.


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ICEGOV '09: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Theory and practice of electronic governance
November 2009
431 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 10 November 2009


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  1. business process management
  2. event-condition-action
  3. flexibility
  4. orchestration architecture


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  • (2012)Architectures for Enabling Flexible Business ProcessesIntelligent and Knowledge-Based Computing for Business and Organizational Advancements10.4018/978-1-4666-1577-9.ch011(187-205)Online publication date: 2012
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