Cited By
View all- Gama KTouseau LDonsez D(2012)Combining heterogeneous service technologies for building an Internet of Things middlewareComputer Communications10.1016/j.comcom.2011.11.00335:4(405-417)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012
As the human pays more and more attention to the exploration of marine resources, the marine activities show diversity. At the aspect of the exploration of some uncharted and potentially dangerous waters or islands, the marine low altitude surveillance ...
An approach to the control of the motion of the center of mass of a high altitude hypervelocity flying vehicle whose engine thrust and aerodynamics strongly depend on the angle of attack in the midcourse active phase of the flight is proposed. This ...
Unmanned stratospheric aircraft capable of staying aloft for long periods of time have become a topic of interest in the past years. Several problems are still to be solved to allow for a profitable commercial use of such aircraft. The inherent ...
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