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View all- Kenderdine SShaw JGremmler T(2012)Cultural Data Sculpting: Omnidirectional Visualization for Cultural DatasetsKnowledge Visualization Currents10.1007/978-1-4471-4303-1_11(199-220)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2012
Combining automated analysis and visual-interactive displays helps analysts rapidly sort through volumes of raw text to detect critical events and identify surrounding issues. The Web extra at is a video segment demonstrating ...
Advanced visual interfaces, like the ones found in information visualization, intend to offer a view on abstract data spaces to enable users to make sense of them. By mapping data to visual representations and providing interactive tools to explore and ...
Visualization transforms large quantities of data into pictures in which relations, patterns, or trends of interest in the data reveal themselves to effectively guide the user in the data reasoning and discovery process. Visualization has become an ...
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