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Pointing to space: modeling of deictic interaction referring to regions

Published: 02 March 2010 Publication History


In daily conversation, we sometimes observe a deictic interaction scene that refers to a region in a space, such as saying "please put it over there" with pointing. How can such an interaction be possible with a robot? Is it enough to simulate people's behaviors, such as utterance and pointing? Instead, we highlight the importance of simulating human cognition. In the first part of our study, we empirically demonstrate the importance of simulating human cognition of regions when a robot engages in a deictic interaction by referring to a region in a space. The experiments indicate that a robot with simulated cognition of regions improves efficiency of its deictic interaction. In the second part, we present a method for a robot to computationally simulate cognition of regions.


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  1. Pointing to space: modeling of deictic interaction referring to regions



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    HRI '10: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction
    March 2010
    400 pages



    IEEE Press

    Publication History

    Published: 02 March 2010

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    Author Tags

    1. cognition of regions
    2. communicating about regions
    3. pointing gesture
    4. social robots
    5. spatial deixis


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    HRI 10

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