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View all- Held SKämmerling N(2017)Two-level rectilinear Steiner treesComputational Geometry: Theory and Applications10.1016/j.comgeo.2016.11.00261:C(48-59)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017
- Khatri SShenoy NGiomi JKhouja A(2016)Logic SynthesisElectronic Design Automation for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology10.1201/b19714-4(27-55)Online publication date: 14-Apr-2016
- Markov IHu JKim M(2015)Progress and Challenges in VLSI Placement ResearchProceedings of the IEEE10.1109/JPROC.2015.2478963103:11(1985-2003)Online publication date: Nov-2015
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