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Apparent display resolution enhancement for moving images

Published: 26 July 2010 Publication History


Limited spatial resolution of current displays makes the depiction of very fine spatial details difficult. This work proposes a novel method applied to moving images that takes into account the human visual system and leads to an improved perception of such details. To this end, we display images rapidly varying over time along a given trajectory on a high refresh rate display. Due to the retinal integration time the information is fused and yields apparent super-resolution pixels on a conventional-resolution display. We discuss how to find optimal temporal pixel variations based on linear eye-movement and image content and extend our solution to arbitrary trajectories. This step involves an efficient method to predict and successfully treat potentially visible flickering. Finally, we evaluate the resolution enhancement in a perceptual study that shows that significant improvements can be achieved both for computer generated images and photographs.

Supplementary Material

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MP4 File (tp088-10.mp4)


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  1. Apparent display resolution enhancement for moving images



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
      ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 29, Issue 4
      July 2010
      942 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 July 2010
      Published in TOG Volume 29, Issue 4


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      1. eye tracking
      2. image reconstruction
      3. perception


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