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GLSVLSI '10: Proceedings of the 20th symposium on Great lakes symposium on VLSI
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
GLSVLSI '10: Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2010 Providence Rhode Island USA May 16 - 18, 2010
16 May 2010
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Welcome to the 20th edition of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 2010 held in Providence, Rhode Island. Since its inception in 1991 in Kalamazoo, GLSVLSI has become a premier venue for the dissemination of manuscripts of the highest quality in all areas as related to VLSI. This year GLSVLSI is in the "Ivy League" itself as it is hosted on the beautiful campus of Brown University. We are confident that you will enjoy the surrounding sites as well as the program over the three days of activity.

As for the technical meeting, GLSVLSI2010 was a resounding success: 165 papers were submitted, of which 50 papers were accepted for oral presentation at the symposium (a 30% acceptance rate). With poster papers, a total of 87 papers will be presented at the symposium and published in the proceedings. The final technical program consists of 30 full presentations and 20 short presentation in 12 oral sessions and 37 posters in 2 poster sessions. Differently from previous venues, the technical program of GLSVLSI2010 has three parallel sessions to allow longer presentations and discussions; a total of 10 normal sessions covering topics such as VLSI circuits, testing CAD, low power and emerging technologies/post-CMOS have been included.

The recipients of the Best Paper Award this year are Marisha Rawlins and Ann Gordon-Ross for the manuscript "Lightweight Runtime Control Flow Analysis for Adaptive Loop Caching"; congratulations on this resounding accomplishment.

GLSVLSI 2010 starts off Sunday afternoon, May 16th, with an exciting line up of invited speakers on a broad range of issues related to VLSI design, including NoC-based reconfigurable systems, microprocessor power impacts, and neurosensor arrays for implantable brain communication. The Sunday talks are free for all registered attendees of the conference. On Monday, our keynote speaker is Ron Weiss (MIT) who will be presenting some of his latest research in synthetic biology. Finally, on Tuesday, the technical program includes an invited special session on "System Level Power Management Algorithms and Optimization Methodologies".

Cited By

    • Colorado School of Mines
    • Northeastern University
    • National Science Foundation

    Index Terms

    1. Proceedings of the 20th symposium on Great lakes symposium on VLSI
          Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


          Acceptance Rates

          Overall Acceptance Rate 312 of 1,156 submissions, 27%
          GLSVLSI '181974824%
          GLSVLSI '171974824%
          GLSVLSI '161975025%
          GLSVLSI '151484128%
          GLSVLSI '141794927%
          GLSVLSI '132387632%