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A literature review of the IT entrepreneurial turnover conditions: a comparison between U.S., France and Greece

Published: 20 May 2010 Publication History


What are the factors or conditions that trigger the decision to start an IT business? Are there any differences from one country to another? Several conceptual arguments and studies have been made in an attempt to reveal the relationship between entrepreneurship and its antecedents, yet empirical evidence has only started to emerge and its presentation has been made in a rather fragmented fashion.
Objective of the current paper is to review existing literature in order to portray the general landscape against which IT professionals quit their job to start their own business. To achieve this aim, it focuses on the personal, cultural, and socio-economic conditions which frame the IT entrepreneurial decision in three different countries: U.S., France and Greece.


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  1. A literature review of the IT entrepreneurial turnover conditions: a comparison between U.S., France and Greece



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    SIGMIS-CPR '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Special Interest Group on Management Information System's 48th annual conference on Computer personnel research on Computer personnel research
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