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Designing for auditory web access: accessibility and cellphone users

Published: 26 April 2010 Publication History


Low-end mobile phones are becoming generally available throughout the world and the main window onto the Web. A large constituency for Web access is being created whose experience Web designers are not familiar with, particularly because of the central role of auditory, rather than visual access. This is analogous to problems faced by visually impaired users, where again Web designers have an audience whose experience they rarely share. One might think that proven design practices of working directly with users or intermediaries would be effective, but we argue that in these situations they are difficult to apply, not least because of the distance geographically and culturally from the users. We therefore present alternative ways for developers to gain insight into the experience of auditory access. We also discuss the potential of tools and resources such as simulations of an auditory interaction with the Web and illustrate how these can help --- particularly with early stage design. Successful simulations can reduce the cost and effort needed to design a usable auditory Web experience, and as a bonus, the insights gained often improve a site for many other users as well.


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Cited By

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  • (2019)Find and SeekACM Transactions on Accessible Computing10.1145/334228212:3(1-23)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2019
  • (2011)Dynamic adaptive disaster simulationProceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Agent-Directed Simulation10.5555/2048355.2048356(5-12)Online publication date: 3-Apr-2011



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W4A '10: Proceedings of the 2010 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A)
April 2010
223 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 April 2010


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  1. accessibility
  2. auditory interaction
  3. developing regions
  4. screen reader
  5. web


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  • (2019)Find and SeekACM Transactions on Accessible Computing10.1145/334228212:3(1-23)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2019
  • (2011)Dynamic adaptive disaster simulationProceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Agent-Directed Simulation10.5555/2048355.2048356(5-12)Online publication date: 3-Apr-2011

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