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Collaborative filtering based on an iterative prediction method to alleviate the sparsity problem

Published: 14 December 2009 Publication History


Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most popular recommender system technologies. It tries to identify users that have relevant interests and preferences by calculating similarities among user profiles. The idea behind this method is that, it may be of benefit to one's search for information to consult the preferences of other users who share the same or relevant interests and whose opinion can be trusted. However, the applicability of CF is limited due to the sparsity and cold-start problems. The sparsity problem occurs when available data are insufficient for identifying similar users (neighbors) and it is a major issue that limits the quality of recommendations and the applicability of CF in general. Additionally, the cold-start problem occurs when dealing with new users and new or updated items in web environments. Therefore, we propose an efficient iterative prediction technique to convert user-item sparse matrix to dense one and overcome the cold-start problem. Our experiments with MovieLens and book-crossing data sets indicate substantial and consistent improvements in recommendations accuracy compared with item-based collaborative filtering, singular value decomposition (SVD)-based collaborative filtering and semi explicit rating collaborative filtering.


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iiWAS '09: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services
December 2009
763 pages
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  • Johannes Kepler University



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 December 2009


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  1. cold-start problem
  2. collaborative filtering
  3. explicit ratings
  4. item-based collaborative filtering
  5. memory-based approach
  6. recommender systems
  7. sparsity
  8. user-based collaborative filtering


  • Short-paper


iiWAS '09


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  • (2020)An Improved Product Recommendation Method for Collaborative FilteringIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.30059538(123841-123857)Online publication date: 2020
  • (2019)A Proposed Model to Solve Cold Start Problem using Fuzzy User-Based Clustering2019 2nd Scientific Conference of Computer Sciences (SCCS)10.1109/SCCS.2019.8852624(121-125)Online publication date: Mar-2019
  • (2015)QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering with PGraphProceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services10.1109/ICWS.2015.59(392-399)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2015
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