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Resolving and exploiting the k-CFA paradox: illuminating functional vs. object-oriented program analysis

Published: 05 June 2010 Publication History


Low-level program analysis is a fundamental problem, taking the shape of "flow analysis" in functional languages and "points-to" analysis in imperative and object-oriented languages. Despite the similarities, the vocabulary and results in the two communities remain largely distinct, with limited cross-understanding. One of the few links is Shivers's k-CFA work, which has advanced the concept of "context-sensitive analysis" and is widely known in both communities.
Recent results indicate that the relationship between the functional and object-oriented incarnations of k-CFA is not as well understood as thought. Van Horn and Mairson proved k-CFA for k ≥ 1 to be EXPTIME-complete; hence, no polynomial-time algorithm can exist. Yet, there are several polynomial-time formulations of context-sensitive points-to analyses in object-oriented languages. Thus, it seems that functional k-CFA may actually be a profoundly different analysis from object-oriented k-CFA. We resolve this paradox by showing that the exact same specification of k-CFA is polynomial-time for object-oriented languages yet exponential-time for functional ones: objects and closures are subtly different, in a way that interacts crucially with context-sensitivity and complexity. This illumination leads to an immediate payoff: by projecting the object-oriented treatment of objects onto closures, we derive a polynomial-time hierarchy of context-sensitive CFAs for functional programs.


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  1. Resolving and exploiting the k-CFA paradox: illuminating functional vs. object-oriented program analysis



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      PLDI '10: Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
      June 2010
      514 pages
      • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
        ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 45, Issue 6
        PLDI '10
        June 2010
        496 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 05 June 2010


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      1. control-flow analysis
      2. functional
      3. k-cfa
      4. m-cfa
      5. object-oriented
      6. pointer analysis
      7. static analysis


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