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10.1145/1807085.1807126acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespodsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

When data dependencies over SQL tables meet the logics of paradox and S-3

Published: 06 June 2010 Publication History


We study functional and multivalued dependencies over SQL tables with NOT NULL constraints. Under a no-information interpretation of null values we develop tools for reasoning. We further show that in the absence of NOT NULL constraints the associated implication problem is equivalent to that in propositional fragments of Priest's paraconsistent Logic of Paradox. Subsequently, we extend the equivalence to Boolean dependencies and to the presence of NOT NULL constraints using Schaerf and Cadoli's S-3 logics where S corresponds to the set of attributes declared NOT NULL. The findings also apply to Codd's interpretation "value at present unknown" utilizing a weak possible world semantics. Our results establish NOT NULL constraints as an effective mechanism to balance the expressiveness and tractability of consequence relations, and to control the degree by which the existing classical theory of data dependencies can be soundly approximated in practice.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PODS '10: Proceedings of the twenty-ninth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems
June 2010
350 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 06 June 2010


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  1. axiomatization
  2. data dependency
  3. implication
  4. logic of paradox
  5. null value
  6. s-3 logic


  • Research-article


SIGMOD/PODS '10: International Conference on Management of Data
June 6 - 11, 2010
Indiana, Indianapolis, USA

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PODS '10 Paper Acceptance Rate 27 of 113 submissions, 24%;
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