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View all- Lefever KLefever K(2012)Changing Sports/Media Complex and Its Impact on the Regulatory Process of the Broadcasting SectorNew Media and Sport10.1007/978-90-6704-873-6_6(83-95)Online publication date: 4-Oct-2012
Digital television was introduced to the Belgian market in 2005, which is fairly late compared to other European countries. By 2010, in Flanders the 50% penetration threshold of digital television households was surpassed. Considering previous research ...
Interactive television dramas have long promised to deliver entertaining experiences. In practice, however, successful interactive television dramas are rare. This paper suggests that the fault lies in attempts to abandon narrative structure in favour ...
In this article, we discuss the push and pull dynamics of the introduction of interactive digital television and the discrepancy between promised and actual practices as experienced by the audience. Our analysis is based on a case study of iDTV in ...
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