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Enriching living lab-approaches for ICT-innovation by introducing different user roles: the case of digital TV

Published: 09 June 2010 Publication History


We can characterize the contemporary ICT-environment as an innovation spiral, with more and more innovative products, services and applications coming to the market, but also with a growing number of them not able to reach mass market or even a large enough market, resulting in a lot of innovations as well as failures. These failures occur with a lacking adoption diffusion but also in terms of the incorporation into the everyday life of the users. Attempts to cope with the inherent uncertainty and increasing complexity in the field of ICT-innovation have influenced the rise of new, user-driven and open innovation-approaches. We contend that the Living Lab-approach can be seen as a systemic, methodological instrument incorporating a number of crucial insights linked to advances in innovation management and user research-literature. Currently however, the literature dealing with the 'user' as key stakeholder in the innovation process is still rather fragmented.
Within this paper we review a selection of user typologies that might play an important role for ICT-innovation: adoption diffusion segments, use diffusion segments and Lead Users. We investigate the occurrence of these user roles for an important ICT-innovation that is making its way into mass market adoption, but that however appears to lag behind in terms of use diffusion: digital television. Based on the results and observations, the relevance of these typologies within a Living Lab-research approach and the implications of the similarities and differences between them are discussed.


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Index Terms

  1. Enriching living lab-approaches for ICT-innovation by introducing different user roles: the case of digital TV



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    EuroITV '10: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video
    June 2010
    328 pages
    • Conference Chairs:
    • Petri Vuorimaa,
    • Pertti Naranen,
    • General Chair:
    • Artur Lugmayr,
    • Program Chairs:
    • Célia Quico,
    • Gunnar Harboe
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 09 June 2010


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    1. digital television
    2. innovation diffusion
    3. lead users
    4. living labs
    5. use diffusion
    6. user centered innovation
    7. user roles


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