Uma arquitetura P2P para adaptação de conteúdo em dispositivos móveis
Pages 57 - 60
Currently, is verified a growth of the participation of mobile devices in the access of available multimedia content in P2P networks. However, the majority of these devices still having limited access to these networks, because almost all the available content is created exclusively for PCs. Aiming to improve this access, this paper presents a possible solution based on content adaptation in P2P network architecture. In this solution are used semantic web services, software agents and ontologies. A application to telemedicine domain is developed to illustrate the proposed architecture.
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Index Terms
- Uma arquitetura P2P para adaptação de conteúdo em dispositivos móveis
Information & Contributors
Published In
October 2008
420 pages
Copyright © 2008 2008 Brazilian Computer Society.
- SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
Publication History
Published: 26 October 2008
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- Short-paper
WebMedia08: 14th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems
October 26 - 29, 2008
Espírito Santo, Vila Velha, Brazil
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