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10.1145/1810479.1810526acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspaaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Deadlock avoidance for streaming computations with filtering

Published: 13 June 2010 Publication History


The paradigm of computation on streaming data has received considerable recent attention. Streaming computations can be efficiently parallelized using systems of computing nodes organized in dataflow-like architectures. However, when these nodes have the ability to filter, or discard, some of their inputs, a system with finite buffering is vulnerable to deadlock. In this paper, we formalize a model of streaming computation systems with filtering describe precisely the conditions under which such systems may deadlock, and propose provably correct mechanisms to avoid deadlock. Our approach relies on adding extra "dummy" tokens to the data streams and does not require global run-time coordination among nodes or dynamic resizing of buffers. This approach is particularly well-suited to preventing deadlock in distributed systems of diverse computing architectures, where global coordination or modification of buffer sizes may be difficult or impossible in practice.


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  • (2019)On the complexity of and algorithms for detecting k-length negative cost cyclesJournal of Combinatorial Optimization10.1007/s10878-018-00371-0Online publication date: 3-Jan-2019
  • (2018)Dynamic Deadlock Verification for General Barrier SynchronisationACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems10.1145/322906041:1(1-38)Online publication date: 11-Dec-2018
  • (2018)Randomized Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Limited AdaptivityACM Transactions on Parallel Computing10.1145/32098845:1(1-26)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2018
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Markus Wolf

This paper investigates algorithms for deadlock avoidance in parallel streaming computations. The basic paradigm, used in such diverse fields as signal processing, multimedia applications, and computational biology, is a directed acyclic graph of nodes and edges, where each node receives data from one or more input edges, processes the data, and then may emit data on one or more output edges. For the sake of theoretical analysis, the data stream is abstractly modeled with indexed tokens and the nodes may filter-pass on-a token. Furthermore, the channels are assumed to be buffered. In this setup, deadlock can happen, for example, when one node needs a token to progress on one channel, but the token cannot be sent because the sending node is (transitively) blocked on another channel-a channel that would be freed in case the first node made progress. The paper establishes a few abstract results that give sufficient and necessary conditions for deadlock to occur (essentially, there must be some kind of transitively blocking circle in the topology of the nodes). The basic idea for the deadlock avoidance algorithm is to emit dummy tokens. This is underpinned by a theorem that states: in the absence of filtering, deadlock cannot occur. The remainder of the paper is concerned with an algorithmic design that keeps the number of dummy tokens emitted to a minimum (there is a straightforward solution that emits a dummy token for each filtered token, but this is, of course, impractical). This well-written paper includes relevant examples from a computational biology system developed by the authors. The algorithms are explained in detail, so they could be implemented for similar streaming applications. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
SPAA '10: Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures
June 2010
378 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 June 2010


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  1. architecturally diverse platforms
  2. data filtering
  3. dataflow


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  • (2018)Randomized Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Limited AdaptivityACM Transactions on Parallel Computing10.1145/32098845:1(1-26)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2018
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