Cited By
View all- Cheng WCheng RXiaoyong LShuling D(2011)Automatic skeleton generation and character skinning2011 IEEE International Symposium on VR Innovation10.1109/ISVRI.2011.5759655(299-304)Online publication date: Mar-2011
The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in ...
The Reeb graph of a scalar function tracks the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a fast algorithm to compute the Reeb graph of a piecewise-linear (PL) function defined over manifolds and non-manifolds. The key idea in the ...
Given a Morse function f over a 2-manifold with or without boundary, the Reeb graph is obtained by contracting the connected components of the level sets to points. We prove tight upper and lower bounds on the number of loops in the Reeb graph that ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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