Cited By
View all- Mittal S(2016)A survey of techniques for architecting TLBsConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience10.1002/cpe.406129:10Online publication date: 22-Dec-2016
With advances in semiconductor technology, power management has increasingly become a very important design constraint in processor design. In embedded processors, instruction fetch and decode consume more than 40% of processor power. This calls for ...
Off-chip memory accesses are a major source of power consumption in embedded processors. In order to reduce the amount of traffic between the processor and the off-chip memory as well as to hide the memory latency, nearly all embedded processors have a ...
While set-associative caches incur fewer misses than direct-mapped caches, they typically have slower hit times and higher power consumption, when multiple tag and data banks are probed in parallel. This paper presents the location cache structure which ...
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