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DAS '10: Proceedings of the 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
DAS '10: The Eighth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems Boston Massachusetts USA June 9 - 11, 2010
09 June 2010
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It is the pleasure of the organizing committee to welcome all participants to the 2010 IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS). This year's workshop is being held June 9-11th in Boston, Massachusetts, a location situated in the heart of beautiful New England in the northeastern United States. Boston has a rich history that dates back to the 1600's and was a major focal point in the history of the American Revolution and America's fight for independence. Over the years, Boston has developed into a center for industrial, academic and cultural excellence and draws millions of visitors each year.

DAS 2010 is the ninth workshop in a series. The first DAS was held in Kaiserslautern, Germany in 1994, and was followed by Malvern, PA (1996); Nagano, Japan (1998); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2000); Princeton, NJ (2002); Florence, Italy (2004); Nelson, New Zealand (2006) and Nara, Japan (2008). The DAS tradition is to bring together industry, academic and government researchers interested in many aspects of document analysis systems and to provide opportunities for fruitful interaction and collaboration. This year's workshop is organized as a three-day, single track event, with oral and poster presentations, as well as working group discussions on the second and third afternoons. Special sessions on contributed datasets and a keynote talk on this same topic provide a compelling theme, and we hope this focus will help push the field toward greater sharing of data and accepted standards for evaluation.

This year, we received 91 submissions from 25 countries on six continents. The papers were reviewed by 45 members of our research community and an international program committee representing 16 different countries. The overall quality was excellent and we have chosen 28 full papers for oral presentation and 37 as poster papers, as well as 15 short papers that will be presented either as posters or in a special short oral format. In addition, six groups are scheduled to present live demos during the poster sessions.

Full papers underwent the standard peer review process and will appear in the official workshop proceedings to be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, available online as part of the ACM Digital Library. The short papers are included in the unofficial hardcopy proceedings distributed at the event as well as on the DAS 2010 website.

Ground truth creation for handwriting recognition in historical documents

Handwriting recognition in historical documents is vital for the creation of digital libraries. The creation of readily available ground truth data plays a central role for the development of new recognition technologies. For historical documents, ...

IBN SINA: a database for research on processing and understanding of Arabic manuscripts images

This paper describes the steps that have been undertaken in order to develop the IBN SINA database, which is designed to apply learning techniques in the processing and understanding of document images. The description of the preparation process, ...

A framework for the assessment of text extraction algorithms on complex colour images

The availability of open, ground-truthed datasets and clear performance metrics is a crucial factor in the development of an application domain. The domain of colour text image analysis (real scenes, Web and spam images, scanned colour documents) has ...

An analysis of binarization ground truthing

The accuracy of a binarization algorithm is often calculated relative to a ground truth image. Except for synthetically generated images, no ground truth image exists. Evaluating binarization on real images is preferred. The ground truthing between and ...

Toward affine recognition of handwritten mathematical characters

We address the problem of handwritten symbol classification in the presence of distortions modeled by affine transformations. We consider shear, rotation, scaling and translation, since these types of transformations occur most often in practice, and ...

Data-embedding pen: augmenting ink strokes with meta-information

In this paper we present the first operational version of the data-embedding pen. During writing a pattern, this pen produces an additional ink-dot sequence along the ink stroke of the pattern. The ink-dot sequence represents, for example, meta-...

Gabor features for offline Arabic handwriting recognition

Many feature extraction approaches for off-line handwriting recognition (OHR) rely on accurate binarization of gray-level images. However, high-quality binarization of most real-world documents is extremely difficult due to varying characteristics of ...

Improved classification through runoff elections

We consider the problem of dealing with irrelevant votes when a multi-case classifier is built from an ensemble of binary classifiers. We show how run-off elections can be used to limit the effects of irrelevant votes and the occasional errors of binary ...

Table detection in heterogeneous documents

Detecting tables in document images is important since not only do tables contain important information, but also most of the layout analysis methods fail in the presence of tables in the document image. Existing approaches for table detection mainly ...

Context-aware and content-based dynamic Voronoi page segmentation

This paper presents a dynamic approach to document page segmentation based on inter-component relationships, local patterns and context features. State-of-the art page segmentation algorithms segment zones based on local properties of neighboring ...

Analysis and taxonomy of column header categories for web tables

We describe a component of a document analysis system for constructing ontologies for domain-specific web tables imported into Excel. This component automates extraction of the Wang Notation for the column header of a table. Using column-header specific ...

Memory-based recognition of camera-captured characters

This paper addresses how to quickly recognize a character pattern using a lot of case examples without learning. Here without learning means just finding the most similar example from the case examples, and pretend as if the OCR understands the ...

IAMonDo-database: an online handwritten document database with non-uniform contents

In this paper we present a new database of online handwritten documents with different contents such as text, drawings, diagrams, formulas, tables, lists, and markings. It was designed to serve as a standard dataset for the development, training, ...

Document analysis issues in reading optical scan ballots

Optical scan voting is considered by many to be the most trustworthy option for conducting elections because it provides an independently verifiable record of each voter's intent. While op-scan technology has been in use for decades, attempts to improve ...

An open approach towards the benchmarking of table structure recognition systems

Table spotting and structural analysis are just a small fraction of tasks relevant when speaking of table analysis. Today, quite a large number of different approaches facing these tasks have been described in literature or are available as part of ...

Investigator name recognition from medical journal articles: a comparative study of SVM and structural SVM

Automated extraction of bibliographic information from journal articles is key to the affordable creation and maintenance of citation databases, such as MEDLINE®. A newly required bibliographic field in this database is "Investigator Names": names of ...

Overlapped text segmentation using Markov random field and aggregation

Separating machine printed text and handwriting from overlapping text is a challenging problem in the document analysis field and no reliable algorithms have been developed thus far. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for separating handwriting ...

Handwritten Arabic text line segmentation using affinity propagation

In this paper, we present a novel graph-based method for extracting handwritten text lines in monochromatic Arabic document images. Our approach consists of two steps - Coarse text line estimation using primary components which define the line and ...

Text extraction from graphical document images using sparse representation

A novel text extraction method from graphical document images is presented in this paper. Graphical document images containing text and graphics components are considered as two-dimensional signals by which text and graphics have different morphological ...

Occluded text restoration and recognition

Text occlusion is among the most intractable obstacles for OCR engines. A typical example in document images is visible watermark characters, which are often occluded by foreground contents. This paper proposes a solution by restoring watermark ...

Binarization of historical document images using the local maximum and minimum

This paper presents a new document image binarization technique that segments the text from badly degraded historical document images. The proposed technique makes use of the image contrast that is defined by the local image maximum and minimum. ...

A system to detect rooms in architectural floor plan images

In this article, a system to detect rooms in architectural floor plan images is described. We first present a primitive extraction algorithm for line detection. It is based on an original coupling of classical Hough transform with image vectorization in ...

Information extraction by finding repeated structure

Repetition of layout structure is prevalent in document images. In document design, such repetition conveys the underlying logical and functional structure of the data. For example, in invoices, the names, unit prices, quantities and other descriptors ...

Document image segmentation using discriminative learning over connected components

Segmentation of a document image into text and non-text regions is an important preprocessing step for a variety of document image analysis tasks, like improving OCR, document compression etc. Most of the state-of-the-art document image segmentation ...

Query driven word retrieval in graphical documents

In this paper, we present an approach towards the retrieval of words from graphical document images. In graphical documents, due to presence of multi-oriented characters in non-structured layout, word indexing is a challenging task. The proposed ...

Analysis of whole-book recognition

Whole-book recognition is a document image analysis strategy that operates on the complete set of a book's page images, attempting to improve accuracy by automatic unsupervised adaptation. Our algorithm expects to be given initial iconic and linguistic ...

Nearest neighbor based collection OCR

Conventional optical character recognition (OCR) systems operate on individual characters and words, and do not normally exploit document or collection context. We describe a Collection OCR which takes advantage of the fact that multiple examples of the ...

Efficient logo retrieval through hashing shape context descriptors

In this paper we present a method for organizing and indexing logo digital libraries like the ones of the patent and trademark offices. We propose an efficient queried-by-example retrieval system which is able to retrieve logos by similarity from large ...

HIT-OR3C: an opening recognition corpus for Chinese characters

This paper proposes an opening recognition corpus, HIT-OR3C, and its construction toolkit to facilitate the unconstrained online Chinese handwriting text recognition. The characters of HIT-OR3C are collected through handwriting pad and are recorded and ...

Typeface personality traits and their design characteristics

Most research on fonts is related to legibility, readability and recognition. There are only a few studies on typefaces and their potential personality traits. In this paper, we focus on the visual expression of typefaces and their design ...

Cited By

  1. Trivedi A and Sarvadevabhatla R (2019). HInDoLA: A Unified Cloud-Based Platform for Annotation, Visualization and Machine Learning-Based Layout Analysis of Historical Manuscripts 2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Workshops (ICDARW), 10.1109/ICDARW.2019.10035, 978-1-7281-5054-3, (31-35)
  2. Hast A, Cullhed P and Vats E (2018). $$\textit{TexT}$$ TexT - Text Extractor Tool for Handwritten Document Transcription and Annotation Digital Libraries and Multimedia Archives, 10.1007/978-3-319-73165-0_8, (81-92),
  3. Vats E and Hast A (2017). On-the-fly Historical Handwritten Text Annotation 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 10.1109/ICDAR.2017.374, 978-1-5386-3586-5, (10-14)
  4. Journet N, Mansencal B and Visani M (2017). Massive, Free and Reproducible Grountruthed Document Image Databases Generation with DocCreator 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 10.1109/ICDAR.2017.188, 978-1-5386-3586-5, (1139-1143)
  5. Taleb C, Khachab M, Mokbel C and Likforman-Sulem L (2017). Feature selection for an improved Parkinson's disease identification based on handwriting 2017 1st International Workshop on Arabic Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR), 10.1109/ASAR.2017.8067759, 978-1-5090-6628-5, (52-56)
  6. Lamiroy B and Lopresti D (2017). The DAE Platform: A Framework for Reproducible Research in Document Image Analysis Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, 10.1007/978-3-319-56414-2_2, (17-29),
  7. ACM
    Saad R, Elanwar R, Kader N, Mashali S and Betke M BCE-Arabic-v1 dataset Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, (1-8)
  8. Heras L, Terrades O, Robles S and Sánchez G (2015). CVC-FP and SGT, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 18:1, (15-30), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2015.
  9. Ringger E, Lamiroy B, Chen K, Seuret M, Wei H, Liwicki M, Hennebert J and Ingold R (2015). Ground truth model, tool, and dataset for layout analysis of historical documents IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 10.1117/12.2075858, , (940204), Online publication date: 8-Feb-2015.
  10. Biller O, Asi A, Kedem K and Dinstein I WebGT Proceedings of the 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (305-308)
  11. Xia Y, Jia X and Wang K (2012). Retrieval of degraded Chinese document based on fuzzy coding strategy 2012 International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 10.1109/ICSAI.2012.6223602, 978-1-4673-0199-2, (261-264)
  12. Lamiroy B and Lopresti D An Open Architecture for End-to-End Document Analysis Benchmarking Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (42-47)
  13. Xia Y, Wang K and Li M Chinese Keyword Spotting Using Knowledge-Based Clustering Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (789-793)
  14. Hadjar K and Ingold R Minimizing User Annotations in the Generation of Layout Ground-Truthed Data Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (703-707)
  • University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
  • University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
  • Lehigh University
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