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View all- Qiu RHu ZLi HWicks M(2012)ReferencesCognitive Radio Communications and Networking10.1002/9781118376270.refs(453-510)Online publication date: 23-Aug-2012
Opportunistic unlicensed access to the (temporarily) unused frequency bands across the licensed radio spectrum is currently being investigated as a means to mitigate the spectrum scarcity. Such opportunistic access calls for the implementation of ...
Cognitive radio (CR) has been proposed and widely investigated as an approach for increasing the spectrum efficiency. CR devices exploit so called white spaces in the spectrum allocated to the primary users (PU) by a process commonly referred to as the ...
In cognitive radio networks, secondary users can opportunistically utilize the unused spectrum holes that are originally licensed to primary users. Therefore, spectrum sensing for seeking unutilized spectrum is a key element to establish cognitive radio ...
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