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SIGCOMM '86: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM conference on Communications architectures & protocols
ACM1986 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SIGCOMM86: ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Communications Architecture & Protocols Stowe Vermont USA August 5 - 7, 1986
30 September 1986

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The current status of MAP

MAP is a standard computer networking discipline and a unified set of communications protocols which make it possible to implement a vendor independent network of computers. MAP provides a complete service to the user or application program. The major ...

Protocol conversion—correctness problems

Consider the problem of providing a logical channel for message exchange between two user processes in a network environment. When is protocol conversion needed? To answer this question, we first define a model of layered architectures. Specifically, ...

A formal protocol conversion method

The need for the protocol conversion has been recognized with the proliferation of heterogeneous networks. From a formal viewpoint, we regard that problem as generating a protocol which satisfies the properties of the conversion. In this paper, we prove ...

A model for evaluating demand assignment protocols with arbitrary workloads

Demand assignment protocols have been implemented in a large number of operational LANs. However, the analytic models for protocol evaluation currently capture only a limited range of LAN operational circumstances. In this paper we present an analytic ...

Implementing priorities in multiaccess protocols for optical fiber-based local area netorks

Most recently proposed optical fiber-based LAN architectures may be considered as different implementations of the basic round-robin transmission service in different topologies using special signal patterns or events to achieve the effect of the token ...

Real-time voice communications over a token-passing ring local area network

This paper describes an implementation of a real-time, packetized voice communication system over a personal computer (PC) based token-passing ring local area network. System configuration and operation are presented. The system implements real-time, ...

A comparison of two token-passing bus protocols

A well known disadvantage of standard token-passing in ring and bus networks is the waste of channel bandwidth often seen in lightly loaded or asymmetric systems. It is possible to make use of the broadcast mechanism in token bus systems to distribute ...

Command execution in a heterogeneous environment

As a user's computing environment grows from a single time-shared host to a network of specialized and general-purpose machines, the capability for the user to access all of these resources in a consistent and transparent manner becomes desirable. ...

Prediction of transport protocol performance through simulation

A five-layer simulation model of OSI protocols is described and applied to predict transport performance on a local area network (LAN). Emphasis is placed on time-critical applications typical of a small, flexible manufacturing system. The results ...

A verified sliding window protocol with variable flow control

We present a verified sliding window protocol which uses modulo-N sequence numbers to achieve reliable flow-controlled data transfer between a source and a destination. Communication channels are assumed to lose, duplicate and reorder messages in ...

Modeling a transport layer protocol using first-order logic

We use a hybrid model based on the first-order logic to specify and verify a transport layer protocol. In this model we specify a protocol as a set of state machines. Time expressions are used to describe the temporal relations of transitions. Given the ...

Voice transmission in a priority CSMA/AC LAN: an efficient protocol using hybrid switching

The integration of voice and data transmission on a CSMA/CD LAN with message priority and deterministic collision resolution is studied. As a result an efficient Stream Traffic Protocol using hybrid switching and implicit token passing is designed. The ...

A framed movable-boundry protocol for integrated voice/data in a LAN

A new, fully-distributed protocol for integrated voice/data traffic in a local-area, random-access broadcast network is described. The protocol introduces a movable voice-data boundary to framed TDMA/CSMA and eliminates the requirement of system-wide ...

Voice and data performance measurements in L-express net

L-Express is a protocol for Local Area Networks based on a single bus topology. It utilizes a simple and efficient virtual token access scheme which provides ordered and collision-free transmission.

This paper presents results of measurements performed ...

An architecture for a multimedia teleconferencing system

We present an object-oriented architecture for a computer-based, real-time, multimedia conferencing system. This architecture divides the system into five functional areas: a multimedia shared workspace, a user interface, conference management, ...

Tier automation representation of communication protocols

The tier automation is presented as a model for communication protocols. Several advantages of the model are cited, among which are universality of representation and manipulability. A scheme for using the tier automation to model specific distributed ...

A petri net reduction algorithm for protocol analysis

Petri net is a powerful model for analyzing communication protocols because they share many common properties. Currently, protocol analysis suffers the state explosion problem especially for error-recoverable protocols and multi-party protocols. ...

Structure of a LOTOS interpreter

LOTOS is an executable specification language for protocols and services currently being standardized within ISO. It is based on an extended version of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and ACT ONE Abstract Data Type formalism. After a ...

Frequency-time controlled (FTC) networks for high speed communication

The development of “very high speed” networks is being motivated by emerging applications and is therefore attracting increasing attention. As demonstrated in the past, in conventional high speed systems the high ratio between the end-to-end propagation ...

Performance analysis of a satellite communications backchannel architecture

The definition of a backchannel architecture for open systems interconnection over satellite links has been the subject of the SENS-project1 The new proposal is based on existent international standards and uses the options of the ISO-class 4 transport ...

The butterfly satellite IMP for the wideband packet satellite network

Multiprocessor computer systems have proven effective as high performance switching nodes in packet switched data communications networks. They are well suited to performing the required queuing, routing, and scheduling tasks, and can scale upward to ...

A closer look at Noahnet

Noahnet is a robust, highly available, high bandwidth local area network (LAN) architecture, in the implementation phase at the University of Delaware. Noahnet uses a distributed switch-oriented node topology, a flooding approach for message routing, ...

Conformity analysis for communication protocols

In this paper we propose a methodology for conformity analysis of communication protocols. By conformity analysis it is meant to demonstrate that a protocol does indeed provide the service for which it is intended. We specify both a protocol and its ...

Synthesis of two-party error-recoverable protocols

We have developed a correct, general, and efficient procedure of synthesizing two-party error-recoverable protocols for noisy channels where messages could be lost, corrupted, and/or missequenced. The state explosion problem has been tackled by ...

Formal specification-based conformance testing

The paper discusses the use of formal specifications for conformance testing of OSI protocols and divides the discussion in two parts: test design and tester design. A draft standard formal specification of the Class 4 transport protocol in Estelle is ...

Inter-organization networks: implications of access control: requirements for interconnection protocol

When two or more distinct organizations interconnect their internal computer networks they form an Inter-Organization Network(ION). IONs support the exchange of cad/cam data between manufacturers and subcontractors, software distribution from vendors to ...

Extending a capability based system into a network environment

The Mach operating system supports secure local communication within one node of a distributed system by providing protected communication abstraction can be extended over a network by Network Server tasks. The network servers effectively act as local ...

Communication services under EMCON

Hosts are under EMCON condition, short for Emission Control, when they are prohibited from transmitting any data. Under such condition, hosts can only receive data passively and can not acknowledge any data reception. This unidirectionality of the ...

  • University of Hawaiʻi System

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM conference on Communications architectures & protocols


      Acceptance Rates

      Overall Acceptance Rate 462 of 3,389 submissions, 14%
      SIGCOMM '162313917%
      SIGCOMM '152424017%
      SIGCOMM '142424519%
      SIGCOMM '132463815%
      SIGCOMM '112233214%
      SIGCOMM '033193411%
      SIGCOMM '02300258%
      SIGCOMM '01252239%
      SIGCOMM '002382611%
      SIGCOMM '991902413%
      SIGCOMM '982472611%
      SIGCOMM '972132411%
      SIGCOMM '961622717%
      SIGCOMM '951433021%
      SIGCOMM '941412921%