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Design pattern TRABING: touchscreen-based input technique for people affected by intention tremor

Published: 19 June 2010 Publication History


Tremor patients are frequently facing problems when interacting with IT systems and services. They do not reach the same levels of input efficiency and easily become unhappy with a technology they do not perceive as a general asset. Cases of Intention tremor show a significant comparative rise in inaccurate movement towards a real button or virtual buttons on touch screens, as this particular tremor increases its symptoms when approaching a desired physical target. People suffering from this specific tremor have been identified as the target group. This group has been closely investigated and thus, a new input procedure has been developed which may be used on standard touch screens. The new technique enables users, accordingly tremor patients, to fully operate IT-based systems and therefore possess full control over input. Deviations caused by the tremor are compensated with a continuous movement instead of a single targeted move which remains the most difficult task to the user. Also, the screen surface will present a frictional resistance, which significantly hinders tremor symptoms. Input can be identified by the computer system with high accuracy, by means of special heuristics, which support barrier free access beyond the target group.


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    EICS '10: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems
    June 2010
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 19 June 2010


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    1. ambient assisted living (aal)
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