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Generating test cases for specification mining

Published: 12 July 2010 Publication History


Dynamic specification mining observes program executions to infer models of normal program behavior. What makes us believe that we have seen sufficiently many executions? The typestate miner generates test cases that cover previously unobserved behavior, systematically extending the execution space and enriching the specification. To our knowledge, this is the first combination of systematic test case generation and typestate mining--a combination with clear benefits: On a sample of 800 defects seeded into six Java subjects, a static typestate verifier fed with enriched models would report significantly more true positives, and significantly fewer false positives than the initial models.


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ISSTA '10: Proceedings of the 19th international symposium on Software testing and analysis
July 2010
294 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 July 2010


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  1. specification mining
  2. test case generation
  3. typestate analysis


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