Cited By
View all- Ritschel TDachsbacher CGrosch TKautz J(2012)The State of the Art in Interactive Global IlluminationComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.02093.x31:1(160-188)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012
We present a novel approximation of a global illumination technique called contour-based polygonal ambient occlusion, an approach that darkens by only using a depth texture as screen-space ambient occlusion without additional information such as a ...
Real-time rendering can benefit from global illumination methods to make the 3D environments look more convincing and lifelike. On the other hand, the conventional global illumination algorithms for the estimation of the diffuse surface interreflection ...
This survey deals with obscurances and ambient occlusion. These are relatively cheap techniques that simulate diffuse indirect illumination in a way that looks realistic, though they are not global illumination techniques. The concept of obscurances ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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