Cited By
View all- Tayarani-N. MYao XXu H(2015)Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in Car Engine Design: A Literature SurveyIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation10.1109/TEVC.2014.235517419:5(609-629)Online publication date: Oct-2015
In this study, performance and emission characteristics of an internal combustion (IC) diesel engine and petrol-driven engine were modeled by Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Diesel engine input parameters are air flow rate (Aflr), boost pressure (Pb), ...
As a more efficient power machine at present, diesel engine is widely used in industry, large vehicles, ships, power generation and other industries. Because of its advantages of high thermal efficiency, low fuel consumption, strong power and long ...
This paper covers an investigation on the effects of diversity control in the search performances of single-objective and multi-objective genetic algorithms. The diversity control is achieved by means of eliminating duplicated individuals in the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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