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Automatic synthesis of near-threshold circuits with fine-grained performance tunability

Published: 18 August 2010 Publication History


Near-Threshold Circuits achieve ultra-low energy operating with significant performance improvement and noise immunity as compared to sub-threshold circuits. However, near-threshold circuit performance is highly sensitive to static and dynamic threshold voltage variations. This makes designing circuits for a target performance very difficult, and post-silicon tunability is required to achieve performance targets without taking huge design margins. In this work, we tackle this problem by proposing a novel dual-Vdd technique for near-threshold operation and show that one can tune the performance of a circuit in a fine-grained manner by powering an optimal sub-set of rows with a slightly higher supply voltage than the rest, without incurring the large cost of distributed level shifters. By varying the percentage of rows at a slightly higher voltage, one can trade-off performance and power in a fine-grained manner. Experimental results show that by employing our dual-Vdd technique, we can improve the performance of several benchmarks up-to 45% while achieving more than 50% lower power as compared to single-Vdd implementations.


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  1. Automatic synthesis of near-threshold circuits with fine-grained performance tunability



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    ISLPED '10: Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE international symposium on Low power electronics and design
    August 2010
    458 pages
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    • IEEE CAS


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 18 August 2010


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    Author Tags

    1. dual VDD
    2. low power
    3. near threshold
    4. sub-threshold
    5. sub-threshold performance
    6. ultra low power
    7. variability compensation


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    • (2018)Balancing resiliency and energy efficiency of functional units in ultra-low power systems2018 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)10.1109/ASPDAC.2018.8297394(637-644)Online publication date: Jan-2018
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