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R3: resilient routing reconfiguration

Published: 30 August 2010 Publication History


Network resiliency is crucial to IP network operations. Existing techniques to recover from one or a series of failures do not offer performance predictability and may cause serious congestion. In this paper, we propose Resilient Routing Reconfiguration (R3), a novel routing protection scheme that is (i) provably congestion-free under a large number of failure scenarios; (ii) efficient by having low router processing overhead and memory requirements; (iii) flexible in accommodating different performance requirements (e.g., handling realistic failure scenarios, prioritized traffic, and the trade-off between performance and resilience); and (iv) robust to both topology failures and traffic variations. We implement R3 on Linux using a simple extension of MPLS, called MPLS-ff. We then conduct extensive Emulab experiments and simulations using realistic network topologies and traffic demands. Our results show that R3 achieves near-optimal performance and is at least 50% better than the existing schemes under a wide range of failure scenarios.


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  1. R3: resilient routing reconfiguration



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGCOMM '10: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference
    August 2010
    500 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
      ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review  Volume 40, Issue 4
      SIGCOMM '10
      October 2010
      481 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 30 August 2010


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    1. network resiliency
    2. routing
    3. routing protection


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    SIGCOMM '10
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    August 30 - September 3, 2010
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