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S3 '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Wireless of the students, by the students, for the students
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MobiCom/MobiHoc '10: The 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking and The 11th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing Chicago Illinois USA 20 September 2010
20 September 2010
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2010 ACM Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the Students Workshop -- S3'10.

S3 provides a unique venue for graduate students around the world to present, discuss, and exchange ideas on research in systems, theory, and system-theory cross cutting aspects of mobile wireless networks and applications. The workshop, organized by a student-run TPC, is intended to foster early-career development among students, offer exposure into the workings of an academic life, and encourage student leadership and participation in the research community. We anticipate a vibrant event where students can freely interact with a broad peer group, share their research opinions, and discover bridges of collaborations.

Following a successful first edition co-located with ACM MobiHoc 2009, S3 2010 technical sessions will comprise of student presenters, invited talks delivered by students. Panel speakers and moderators will be students as well. An elevator-pitch session provides students with a unique opportunity to practice and learn the art of communicating research work. This edition of the workshop will host a demo session too. Three distinguished speakers from academia and industry will be delivering inspiring talks about state-of-the art research and industry developments.

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SESSION: Theory session
Optimal forwarding strategies for the relay channel under average delay constraints

In this paper we consider a special class of relaying schemes known as decode and forward. The main goal of this work is to quantify the impact of an average delay constraint on the optimal throughput achieved by the source. To this aim, we use Markov ...

From centralized to distributed sensor localization

In this work we consider the problem of sensor network localization when only the connectivity information is available. More specifically, we compare the performance of the centralized algorithm MDS-MAP with its distributed version HOP-TERRAIN. We show ...

SoftCast: clean-slate scalable wireless video

Video broadcast and mobile video challenge the conventional wireless design. In broadcast and mobile scenarios the bit rate supported by the channel differs across receivers and varies quickly over time. The conventional design however forces the source ...

Capacity of byzantine agreement: summary of recent results

In this paper, we consider the problem of maximizing the throughput of Byzantine agreement, for two cases: i. communication link's capacity is fixed; and ii. the sum capacity of all links in the system is fixed. Byzantine is a classical problem in ...

Analyzing the performance of greedy maximal scheduling via local pooling and graph theory

Efficient operation of wireless networks and switches requires using simple scheduling algorithms. In general, simple greedy algorithms (known as Greedy Maximal Scheduling - GMS) are guaranteed to achieve only a fraction of the maximum possible ...

Is oversensitive spectrum sensing the door opener for initial cognitive radio deployments?

It is often stated that sensing based opportunistic spectrum sharing requires several tens of sensors or infrastructure support to achieve a reliable Primary User (PU) detection. This is considered a significant entry barrier for opportunistic, sensing ...

SESSION: Systems session
Diversity in smartphone energy consumption

We conduct a large-scale user study to measure the energy consumption characteristics of 17300 BlackBerry smartphone users. Our dataset consists of over 1050 years of cumulative data and is several orders of magnitude larger than any previous work. We ...

Critical analysis of encounter traces

The limitations of contact-logging experiments, particularly those based on periodic Bluetooth neighborhood scans, prevent them from detecting many contact opportunities. This paper highlights recent results on inferring a plausible movement from ...

A correlation attack against user mobility privacy in a large-scale WLAN network

User association logs collected from real-world wireless LANs have facilitated wireless network research greatly. To protect user privacy, the common practice in sanitizing these data before releasing them to the public is to anonymize users' sensitive ...

PUMA: policy-based unified management architecture for wireless networking

This paper presents PUMA, a novel declarative constraint-solving architecture that achieves efficient policy-based adaptive routing and channel selection for wireless networks. PUMA is based on declarative networking, a database-inspired extensible ...

Delivering capacity for the mobile internet by stitching together networks

Despite of findings that only 5.2% of the spectrum from 30 MHz to 3 GHz is utilized, there is much talk of an impending spectrum crisis. This is no contradiction - spectrum is inefficiently utilized, with some part of the spectrum being heavily used ...

Bologna: block-based 802.11 transmission recovery

In this paper, we describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of Bologna, a practical block-based IEEE 802.11 data transmission recovery protocol. Bologna is built on a well-known recovery scheme that identifies corrupted bit blocks by ...

TFA: a large scale urban mesh network for social and network research

We have deployed a large-scale multi-tier wireless network in one of Houston's most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The network serves two objectives: empowering under-resourced communities with access to technology, education and work-at-home ...

WARPlab: a flexible framework for rapid physical layer design

In this paper, we present WARPLab, a framework for the rapid prototyping and implementation of physical layer algorithms for wireless LANs. WARPLab is based on WARP, an FPGA-based, wireless experimental platform. We first give an overview of WARPLab and ...

QuRiNet: a wireless testbed for network and ecological research

Wireless mesh network research has been an active area in the past few years. In order to expand on the wealth of mesh network research, we have deployed a wireless mesh network in a natural reserve to serve as a research platform. QuRiNet, the Quail ...

  • AT&T Laboratories Florham Park
  1. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Wireless of the students, by the students, for the students


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 65 of 93 submissions, 70%
    S3 '218675%
    S3 '1814750%
    S3 '1777100%
    S3 '15251040%
    S3 '1477100%
    S3 '1199100%
    S3 '105480%