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Ergo'IA '10: Proceedings of the Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ERGO-IA '10: Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee: "Innovation, Interactions et Qualité de Vie" Biarritz France October 12 - 15, 2010
12 October 2010


No abstract available.

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SESSION: Innovation technologique et qualité de vie
Recommandations ergonomiques pour la conception de systèmes d'assistance cognitive dans les habitats intelligents

Cognitive assistance systems are aimed to support people loosing their autonomy while completing activities of daily living (ADL). The range of activities to support, the dissemination of interactive devices in the environment and the variability of ...

Etude comparative des effets du caractère social des conduites sur l'acceptabilité des services de maintien à domicile chez les personnes âgées

This paper examines usage acceptance of "aging in place" services dedicated to elderly people. The aim of this study is to investigate causal link between behaviour prediction and service intention to use. Besides direct effects of utility and usability ...

Système de saisie de texte visant à réduire l'effort des utilisateurs à handicap moteur

The K-Thot virtual keyboard system presented in this paper aims to decrease the effort (especially movements) needed to make a text input and is intended for users who have difficulty entering data on a physical keyboard. As part of this article, we ...

SESSION: Emotion et innovation technologique
Introduction d'un compagnon dans un logiciel éducatif en classe

During software deployment in schools, we observed a lot of solicitations of teacher by children. The major goal of such solicitations was for children to ask for navigation help. The type of questions and associated answers vary according to the child ...

Emotional facial expression interface: effects of displayed facial designs

In supporting the visual-mediated emotional recognition, little research has centred on analysing the effect of presenting different combinatorial facial designs. Moreover, in the theoretical field of emotions, research on the recognition of emotional ...

BCI et IHM: premiers retours d'expériences

This article describes our first experiments in BCI (Brain Computer Interface) and HCI (Human Computer Interaction). Through three case studies on two different BCI headsets (NIA and EPOC), we show the pro and cons of these devices about their ...

Médias et activités: courses poursuites cinématographiques et conduite automobile

Media may exert a major influence on behaviours with others or with machines. In the car driving framework, cinematographic car chases have their followers. This study investigates the links between cinematographic car chases appreciation, the ...

eMotion: un outil pour personnaliser la reconnaissance d'émotions

A subject's emotional expression is of course influenced by his personality, but several other factors can play a role. His position, the constraints he undergoes, or the setting of his working space can all deeply impact emotional expression through ...

Etude du comportement et des émotions dans un contexte de multisollicitations: approche exploratoire avec la Plateforme d'Evaluation, de prototypage et de teSts d'usageS (PEPSS)

This exploratory study presents the results of an evaluation of human behavior obtained through a first use of the platform PEPSS (Prototyping platform for evaluating and use tests). During tests, subjects were confronted with a work situation ...

SESSION: Conception, interaction, utilisabilité
Penser "plasticité" peut améliorer la qualité des interfaces homme-machine: une étude de cas

In Human-Computer Interaction, plasticity refers to the capacity of User Interfaces (UI) to adapt to the context of use (<user, platform, environment>) while preserving user-centered properties. Until now, plasticity was the scope of various studies. ...

Une approche sémiotique du contexte pour les systèmes pervasifs

In this paper we examine the issue of the context for pervasive systems. For this purpose we adopt a semiotic approach. After a presentation of the theoretical framework, we try to show that multimodality and viewpoints can play a key role in ...

Prise en compte de l'utilisateur dans le processus de conception d'une application d'édition de modèles de tâches

Interactive application design iterates on: needs analysis (human and technical), specification, implementation and validation. In user-centred design, the specifications of use may be expressed by task models. From these models and scenarios, some ...

Multi-actor systems and its organizational form: planning and communication of dispatchers and passengers in the Netherlands Railways (NS)

In innovating its planning processes, passenger involvement in dispatching is one of the directions the Netherlands Railways is exploring. Multi-agent systems (MAS) provide a way to study the organizational aspects of the dispatching task that aims to ...

SESSION: Ré-organisation, utilisabilité, systèmes innovants
Plateforme d'utilisabilité/usage MultiCom: objectifs, réalisation, usages et retours d'expérience

This article describes the design approach and experience gained when implementing an original usability laboratory: the MultiCom platform. The purpose of this platform is the evaluation of the usability and usage of a wide range of interactive systems: ...

Conception d'un hypermédia adaptatif centré sur le style d'apprentissage

This article discusses learning style as an adaptive criterion of an educational hypermedia system. Our approach is based on the measuring of the performance of a learner in an objective learning designed according to the characteristics proposed by ...

Complexité, systèmes et apprentissages. Une réflexion liée à la conception et à l'innovation

In this contribution, we are focusing on this side of complexity which is grounded on omnipresence of interpretation in the production of cognitive objects in the processes of innovation and design, their organization and management. Our "socio-...

Usagers vulnérables et véhicules industriels en milieu urbain: approche pluridisciplinaire pour la conception d'une assistance à la conduite d'un camion

Vulnerable users safety is an important issue in terms of public health: Most of these accidents involving truck and vulnerable user in urban areas has tragic consequences for user and implicates trucks presence in urban areas. The VIVRE2 project (ANR05-...

SESSION: Evaluation, apprentissage, utilisabilité et innovation
Didactique des sciences et ergonomie pour l'innovation grâce aux technologies mobiles d'apprentissage

As part of research in teaching of science, we are interested in the innovative potential of mobile technologies. We present the theoretical fondamentals on which we base our research and we summarize two exploratory case studies: one for collaborative ...

Evolution des pratiques en conception: une approche ergonomique compréhensive des objets médiateurs

This paper studies the evolution and modulation of "mediating objects'" use in industrial design since the introduction of CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools. These tools have generally been studied for their pros and cons inside the design process, and ...

SESSION: Transformation du travail, évaluation et nouvelles technologies
Incompréhension et réunion de conception d'un collectif distribué: déroulement des réunions et rôle des comptesrendus

This communication concerns an intervention in a distributed team of a computer science enterprise. Its objective was to prevent misunderstandings that can occur within the collective. We are interested to misunderstandings related to the design ...

Creativity as a tool for prospective use analysis in the design of innovative products

Ergonomists' participation to New Product Development (NPD) projects has undergone major evolutions in recent years. One consequence is the changing status of the ergonomist, from an expert in diagnosing existing activities, to an expert in identifying ...

Comment enrichir l'évaluation des offres du groupe France telecom orange dans une perspective de simplicité?: retour sur la pratique en centre de tests clients grand public France

This article describes the practice of the ergonomists of the group FT Orange working in the Customers Test Center of Rennes. It resumes the usual methods to evaluate the utilisability of products and services according to the criteria of the Standard ...

SESSION: Facteurs humains, transformation au travail, sécurité
L'autorité partagée pour mieux décider à bord du Rafale

Designing the next generation fighter aircraft requires more than just a techno centered capability approach. This study offers an exploratory anthropocentric research aiming at establishing the fundamental principles of an aircraft architecture that ...

De l'intérêt d'observer l'erreur humaine en situation de simulation de vol: prédire et concilier la relation humain-machine

This paper describes an epidemiologic study on difficulties of use, observed during cockpit design assessment campaigns. Design a product requires to anticipate, to envisage the future modes of use, to test them and provide solutions in term of ...

Transformation du travail et prévention des risques: aménagement des espaces d'activités et conception des postes de travail dans les bureaux de poste

The Project "Customer Service Area" (Espace Service Client - ESC), currently implemented in post offices, resulting in a new configuration of working positions in "Ilots" now involves the position of standing work for the clerks, both for traditional ...

Transformation du travail et accompagnement ergonomique: l'exemple de la restructuration des bureaux de poste

The restructuring of French post offices in "Espace Service Client" -- ESC - ("Customer Service Area"), currently underway, includes multifunction booths, a "store" for postal products and also regional produce, and booths for banking. These structural ...

SESSION: Evaluation, méthodes, utilisateurs
Cocoon, un système de recommandation sensible au contexte: analyse de la valeur par une étude qualitative

In Thanks to ambient computing, information can be diffused and accessed everywhere, at anytime, on any platform. But how worthwhile is this for citizens? Is their quality of life improved? This article describes the application of the Worth Centered ...

La perception de la qualité des services e-gouvernementaux: vers des interfaces adaptatives prenant en compte des typologies d'utilisateurs

E-government services are actually a major stake for public administrations. However, regarding perceived quality, no models, neither measurement scales are specifically developed for them. A literature review, from a critical point of view, leads to ...

Marketing, ergonomie et ingénierie système: jouer la complémentarité pour innover

Marketing, human factors and systems engineering are different disciplines which apply different profiles and skills. Marketing is taught by business schools, while very few engineering schools teach it. The latter dedicate much time to systems ...

  • CNRS National Centre for Scientific Research
  • ESTIA Institute of Technology
