Cited By
View all- Honka AKaipainen KHietala HSaranummi N(2011)Rethinking Health: ICT-Enabled Services to Empower People to Manage Their HealthIEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering10.1109/RBME.2011.21742174(119-139)Online publication date: 2011
Mobile context-aware computing aims at providing services that are optimally adapted to the situation in which a given human actor is. An open problem is that not all mobile services need contextual information at the same level of abstraction, or care ...
In mobile grid, it is necessary to maintain end users' needs while addressing issues such as rapid, unpredictable changes of highly mobile contexts in which wireless mobile devices operate. Context-aware mobile grid services that exploit information ...
With the continuing advances in wireless communications, geo-positioning, and portable electronics, an infrastructure is emerging that enables the delivery of on-line, location-enabled services to very large numbers of mobile users. A typical usage ...
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