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View all- Zhao MHuang HLi ZLiu RCui WToshniwal KGoel AWang AZhao XRashidian SBaig FPhi KZhai SRamakrishnan IWang FBi X(2022)EyeSayCorrect: Eye Gaze and Voice Based Hands-free Text Correction for Mobile DevicesProceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces10.1145/3490099.3511103(470-482)Online publication date: 22-Mar-2022
- Zhao MCui WRamakrishnan IZhai SBi X(2021)Voice and Touch Based Error-tolerant Multimodal Text Editing and Correction for SmartphonesThe 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology10.1145/3472749.3474742(162-178)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2021
- Zhang MWen HCui WZhu SAndrew Schwartz HBi XWobbrock J(2021)AI-Driven Intelligent Text Correction Techniques for Mobile Text EntryArtificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach10.1007/978-3-030-82681-9_5(131-168)Online publication date: 5-Nov-2021
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