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CORALS: A real-time planner for anti-air defense operations

Published: 03 December 2010 Publication History


Forces involved in modern conflicts may be exposed to a variety of threats, including coordinated raids of advanced ballistic and cruise missiles. To respond to these, a defending force will rely on a set of combat resources. Determining an efficient allocation and coordinated use of these resources, particularly in the case of multiple simultaneous attacks, is a very complex decision-making process in which a huge amount of data must be dealt with under uncertainty and time pressure. This article presents CORALS (COmbat Resource ALlocation Support), a real-time planner developed to support the command team of a naval force defending against multiple simultaneous threats. In response to such multiple threats, CORALS uses a local planner to generate a set of local plans, one for each threat considered apart, and then combines and coordinates them into a single optimized, conflict-free global plan. The coordination is performed through an iterative process of plan merging and conflict detection and resolution, which acts as a plan repair mechanism. Such an incremental plan repair approach also allows adapting previously generated plans to account for dynamic changes in the tactical situation.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 1, Issue 2
November 2010
153 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 03 December 2010
Accepted: 01 July 2010
Revised: 01 June 2010
Received: 01 March 2010
Published in TIST Volume 1, Issue 2


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  1. Planning
  2. anti-air defense operations
  3. decision support


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