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AIEMPro '10: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Automated information extraction in media production
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MM '10: ACM Multimedia Conference Firenze Italy 29 October 2010
29 October 2010
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Automated Information Extraction in Media Production, AIEMPro'10, in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia conference 2010.

The primary objective of this workshop is that of exploring the application and evaluation of automated information extraction techniques to support future media production. It aims at fostering exchange of ideas and of practices between leading experts in research and leading actors in the media community, in order to catalyze the migration towards new ways of producing media content, aided by large scale introduction of tools for automated multimedia analysis and understanding. Furthermore, the workshop should help researchers in better understanding what are some real-life key requirements which would enable their scientific developments come into wider adoption.

The workshop has taken place for a series of years already. The first in conjunction with DEXA 2008 (AIEMPro'08), the second in conjunction with WIAMIS 2009 (AIEMPro'09). This third edition of the workshop (AIEMPro'10) attracted 16 submissions in total from various countries around the world (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Deutschland, France, Italy, Korea, Portugal, Spain, Taiwan, The Netherlands, and USA). The program committee accepted 8 full papers for oral presentation and 4 short presentations. The program is completed by a keynote speech, given by Andreas Hess from the Heinrich Hertz Institute, who will present the THESEUS project. We are convinced this results into an outstanding 3rd edition of the workshop.

Furthermore, we are happy to announce that the authors of the full papers have been invited to submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of Springer's Multimedia Tools and Application journal, scheduled for publication in 2012.

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SESSION: Keynote address
Technologies for next-generation multi-media libraries: the contentus project

An ever-growing amount of digitized content as well as "born-digital" content published online forces libraries and archives to integrate new data sources and align them with their existing collections. This is a challenging task, since multimedia ...

SESSION: Content abstraction and representation
Narrative theme navigation for sitcoms supported by fan-generated scripts

The following article presents a novel method to generate indexing information for the navigation of TV content and presents an implementation that extends the Joke-O-Mat sitcom navigation system, presented in [1]. The extended system enhances Joke-o-...

A novel video thumbnail extraction method using spatiotemporal vector quantization

In this paper, we propose a new spatiotemporal vector quantization method to create video thumbnail. In particular, we present a novel video data modeling tools, video time density function (VTDF) to explore the temporal characteristics of video ...

SESSION: Archive indexing and retrieval
Towards automatic speaker retrieval for large multimedia archives

In this paper we discuss the challenges of scaling a speaker retrieval system for small audiovisual collections towards a speaker retrieval system for large audio (visual) archives. We show that with our large scale speaker diarization approach it is ...

Content-based video genre classification using multiple cues

This paper presents an automatic video genre classification system, which utilizes several low-level audio-visual cues as well as cognitive and structural information to classify the types of TV programs and YouTube videos. Classification is performed ...

Role-based identity recognition for telecasts

Semantic queries involving image understanding aspects require the exploitation of multiple clues, namely the (inter-)relations between objects and events across multiple images, the situational context, and the application context. A prominent example ...

SESSION: News production automation
Implicit news recommendation based on user interest models and multimodal content analysis

This paper presents an implicit news recommender system based on the user's interests and multimodal content analysis. Multimodality is here intended as the capability of integrating multiple modes, e.g. radio-television channels and Web sites, and ...

Unsupervised event segmentation of news content with multimodal cues

In the age of content snacking and mobisodes (mobile episodes) the paradigm of media consumption is radically changing. Media consumption is moving from monolithic, prepackaged, well-edited, and elaborate content presentation to a continuous feed of ...

Automatic news recommendations via profiling

Today, people have only limited, valuable leisure time at their hands which they want to fill in as good as possible according to their own interests, whereas broadcasters want to produce and distribute news items as fast and targeted as possible. These ...

SESSION: Audiovisual content analysis
Generic architecture for event detection in broadcast sports video

An increasing amount of digital sports content is generated and made available through broadcast and Internet. To deliver meaningful access for an end-user, summarizations or highlights of the content are necessary. Hence, the automatic extraction of ...

Shiatsu: semantic-based hierarchical automatic tagging of videos by segmentation using cuts

The recent dramatic widespread of multimedia content over the Internet and other media channels (such as television or mobile phone platforms) points the interest of media broadcasters to the topics of video retrieval and content browsing. Semantic ...

Efficient video breakup detection and verification

Automatic quality assessment for audiovisual media is an important task for several steps of the media production, delivery and archiving processes. In this paper we focus on the semi-automatic quality inspection of videos and propose a novel algorithm ...

  • Forest Research
  • Flemish Radio and Television Network
  • Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Japan Broadcasting Corporation
