It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd ACM Workshop on Multimedia in Forensics, Security and Intelligence -- MiFor'10, held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia in Firenze.
With the proliferation of multimedia data on the web, surveillance cameras in cities, and mobile phones in everyday life we see an enormous growth in multimedia data that needs to be secured to prevent illegal use, to be analyzed by forensic investigators to detect and reconstruct illegal activities, or be used as source of intelligence. The sheer volume of such datasets makes manual inspection of all data impossible. Tools are needed to support the investigator in their quest for relevant clues and evidence and in their efforts preventing crime. Such tools should support the protection, management, processing, interpretation, and visualization of multimedia data in the different steps of the investigation process. This workshop brings together researchers working on innovative multimedia technology and representatives from companies developing tools used in forensics, security and intelligence with the aim to bring the synergy needed to develop new and effective solutions to improve crime prevention and investigation in all of its steps.
For this second edition of the workshop we received 36 submissions, making it one of the largest workshops associated to the ACM Multimedia. These were reviewed by our international experts in the technical program committee. Based on this we accepted 12 papers for oral presentation and 8 for poster presentation. This resulted in an acceptance rate of 55% which is a good number for a workshop.
The exciting program will feature oral sessions on near copy detection, security of multimedia data, biometrics and surveillance, forensic process support, and image forgery detection, and a poster session. In addition to this we will have two keynotes by distinguished speakers namely Herwig Lejsek, CEO of Videntifier Technologies a company supporting the police in fighting child abuse and Rita Cucchiara a full professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia who is an expert on surveillance, working in close collaboration with the police.
Proceeding Downloads
Video and image identification: tools for supporting forensic investigations
The world's law enforcement agencies are increasingly tracking down producers and distributors of offensive multimedia content such as child abuse material. The challenge lies in the vast amount of easily accessible images and videos on the Internet, as ...
Videntifier" Forensic: large-scale video identification in practice
- Herwig Lejsek,
- Hrönn Þormóðsdóttir,
- Friðrik Ásmundsson,
- Kristleifur Daðason,
- Ársæll Þór Jóhannsson,
- Björn Þór Jónsson,
- Laurent Amsaleg
Identifying videos on seized hard drives and other storage devices is a very tedious and time consuming task for forensic investigators. In particular, the vast amount of available material on the Internet and the large storage capacities of today's ...
Deluding image recognition in sift-based cbir systems
Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems used in forensics related contexts require very good image recognition capabilities. Therefore they often use the SIFT local-feature description scheme as its robustness against a large spectrum of image distortions ...
Semantic object watermark re-synchronization based on skeleton vertex corresponds
Plain rotation, scaling, and/or translation of an image can lead to loss of watermark synchronization and thus authentication failure. The block based approaches in particular are sensitive to geometric distortions due to the need for repositioning the ...
A game-theoretic system security design for the visible watermarking
Digital watermarking has been widely studied and regarded as a potentially effective means for protecting copyright of digital media in recent years. Among different categories of researches for digital watermarking, visible watermarking protect ...
Imputing human descriptions in semantic biometrics
Human identification at a distance has received significant interest due to the ever increasing surveillance infrastructure. Biometrics such as face and gait offer a suitable physical attribute to uniquely identify people from a distance. When linking ...
Privacy preserving video surveillance using pedestrian tracking mechanism
Video surveillance has become a ubiquitous feature of the modern day life. However, the widespread use of video surveillance has raised concerns about the privacy of people. In this paper, we propose a novel video surveillance with a privacy preserving ...
A videosurveillance data browsing software architecture for forensics: from trajectories similarities to video fragments
The information contained in digital video surveillance repositories can present relevant hints, when not even legal evidence, during investigations. As the amount of video data often forbids manual search, some tools have been developed during the past ...
Semi-interactive tracing of persons in real-life surveillance data
To increase public safety, more and more surveillance cameras have been placed over the years. To deal with the resulting information overload many methods have been deployed, focusing either on real-time crime detection or post-incident investigation. ...
When multimedia meets surveillance and forensics in people security
When new disciplines emerge, and their commercial applications arise, the market invents new terms and definitions. This is the case of new fields related to surveillance and forensics for people security, which are adopting multimedia, computer vision, ...
Further improvements on secret image sharing scheme
Secret image sharing technique has been widely researched in the past decade. This technique allows us to create the share images from a secret image in such a way that an individual share does not reveal any information about the secret image, however ...
Copy-move forgery detection via texture description
Copy-move forgery is one of the most common type of tampering in digital images. Copy-moves are parts of the image that are copied and pasted onto another part of the same image. Detection methods in general use block-matching methods, which first ...
Bags of phrases with codebooks alignment for near duplicate image detection
- Sebastiano Battiato,
- Giovanni Maria Farinella,
- Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera,
- Tony Meccio,
- Giovanni Puglisi,
- Daniele Ravì,
- Rosetta Rizzo
Image retrieval from large databases, such as popular social networks, collections of surveillance images and videos, or digital investigation archives, is a very important task for a number of applications. In digital investigation, hashing techniques ...
A visual tool for forensic analysis of mobile phone traffic
In this paper we present our tool LogAnalysis for forensic visual statistical analysis of mobile phone traffic. LogAnalysis graphically represents the relationships among mobile phone users with a node-link layout. Its aim is to explore the structure of ...
Copy detection of immersed content in video databases
Content-Based Copy Detection techniques aim at the identification of modified copies of an original clip in a given database or on the Internet. Usually, a digital fingerprint is computed from the media itself by extracting some features which are later ...
Measuring sample distortions in face recognition
In this paper we describe FACE (Face Analysis for Commercial Entities), a framework for face recognition, and show how the approach is made robust to both pose and light variations, thanks to suitable correction strategies. Furthermore, two separate ...
Estimating QP and motion vectors in H.264/AVC video from decoded pixels
In this paper we present a method for blindly estimating the quantization parameter (QP) and the motion-vectors in H.264/AVC decoded video. We assume that only the decoded pixel values are available. This models pretty well the dissemination over the ...
Combining dynamic texture and structural features for speaker identification
Visual information from captured video is important for speaker identification under noisy conditions that have background noise or cross talk among speakers. In this paper, we propose local spatiotemporal descriptors to represent and recognize speakers ...
An automatic transcription system of hearings in Italian courtrooms
This paper describes and discusses the recognition results obtained using the automatic transcription system developed in our labs, after having adapted it to the judicial domain. The performance has been evaluated on field audio data, formed by about 7 ...
Augmented crime scenes: virtual annotation of physical environments for forensic investigation
We describe a system aimed at the in-situ 3D annotation of physical objects and environments by the use of augmented reality. The system integrates absolute positioning technology, in the form of GPS and UWB positioning, with real-time computer vision ...
Building fingerprints with information from three color bands for source camera identification
The imaging sensor (e.g., CCD, CMOS) pattern noise is a noise-like spread-spectrum signal that mainly consists of the photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise. Since each camera has a unique PRNU, the PRNU becomes a popular fingerprint for source ...
On the influence of denoising in PRNU based forgery detection
To detect some image forgeries one can rely on the Photo-Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU), a deterministic pattern associated with each individual camera, which can be loosely modeled as low-intensity multiplicative noise. A very promising algorithm for ...
- Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Multimedia in forensics, security and intelligence