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10.1145/1878039.1878048acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Space speaks: towards socially and personality aware visual surveillance

Published: 29 October 2010 Publication History


There is a complex unwritten code which regulates human interactions. In this paper we present a camera based monitoring system that explores the relationship between proxemics, visual attention and personality traits during interaction. People's relative positions an head poses are extracted with a multi-target tracking algorithm and used to (i) estimate, under the 'thin slices' hypothesis, the level of extroversion and neuroticism of a person, to (ii) learn a model of people interactive behavior that improves, once integrated in the algorithm, the accuracy of the tracking estimates, and to (iii) steer a set of active cameras to the subject found to exhibit the most peculiar interaction pattern. We report on experimental results in a natural scenario where people engage in a party


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  1. Space speaks: towards socially and personality aware visual surveillance



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    MPVA '10: Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Multimodal pervasive video analysis
    October 2010
    68 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 29 October 2010


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    1. guided vision based on high-level reasoning
    2. human behavior modeling based on observations
    3. multi-camera tracking


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    MM '10
    MM '10: ACM Multimedia Conference
    October 29, 2010
    Firenze, Italy


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