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SMVC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Surreal media and virtual cloning
ACM2010 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MM '10: ACM Multimedia Conference Firenze Italy 29 October 2010
29 October 2010
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On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the ACM Workshop on Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning (SMVC) 2010. SMVC is held in conjunction with the International Conference on ACM Multimedia, in Florence, Italy. The workshop is supported by European Commission through the FP7 Network of Excellence 3DLife -- Bringing the Media Internet to Life. 3DLife aims at creating a long-term integration of critical mass for innovation of currently fragmented research addressing Media Computing and Communications.

In the generic context of Media Computing and Communications, SMVC provides a representative sample of more specific research work towards the creation of surreal media and realistic 3D virtual environments in which virtual humans can interact remotely. Thus, the main goal of SMVC is to present and discuss key research issues related to the generation of surreal media and 3D cooperative virtual worlds. As 3DLife does, SMVC also brings together, for a purpose, what can be disparate research groups working on several fields related to Media Computing and Communications.

Each one of the accepted papers underwent a review process with at least three independent reviews. Accepted papers span topics closely related to real-time 3D media coding, computer graphics to human computer interaction and human factors. The contributing authors were instrumental in the completion of the workshop and we would like to thank them. The reviewers also played a crucial role in the assessing the submission.

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SESSION: Keynote address 1
Next generation 3d video representation, processing and coding

2010 was the year of breakthrough for 3D video. Stereoscopic 3D is established in cinema, on Blu-ray, TV, PCs, laptops, and mobile devices. Since technology for stereo 3D is mature and content creation is understood well enough, these developments are ...

SESSION: Surreal media
A real-time performance system for virtual theater

The idea of combining virtual reality technology and theatrical tradition to create virtual plays has captured artists' imaginations for some time. Using conventional technology, the use of virtual characters in a theatrical performance often integrates ...

Using virtual worlds for behaviour clustering-based analysis

Virtual Worlds have become a very popular domain and its high inmersive characteristics can be used to extract information about the avatars behaviour. In this kind of environment it is possible to obtain interesting data about avatars, such as their ...

Virtual gazing in video surveillance

Although a computer can track thousands of moving objects simultaneously, it often fails to understand the priority and the meaning of the dynamics. Human vision, on the other hand, can easily track multiple objects with saccadic motion. The single ...

Presentation of geo-referenced videos with google earth

Geo-tagging is becoming increasingly common as location information is associated with various data that is collected from a variety of sources. In the field of media, images and most recently videos, can be automatically tagged with the geographic ...

A new approach to photography forensics using 3d analysis for correcting perception errors: a case study

This paper introduces a new approach to photography forensic field. This approach is on a referenced 3D photography forensic study. Two photos were taken by Alice and Bob which are controversially analyzed based on claims from different sides. With ...

Building virtual worlds by 3d object mapping

In this paper, a method for automatically building 3D virtual worlds which correspond to the the objects detected in a real environment is presented. The proposed method can be used in many applications such as for example Virtual Reality, Augmented ...

SESSION: Keynote address 2
Towards a spatio-temporal appearance model for human skin

In this talk, I will present latest results in modelling the unique reflectance properties of human skin and techniques to acquire appearance parameters for such reflectance models. The main focus will be on recent developments that focus on spatial and ...

SESSION: Virtual cloning
Towards an expressive virtual tutor: an implementation of a virtual tutor based on an empirical study of non-verbal behaviour

In this paper we investigate the non-verbal behaviour of a tutor and propose a model for ECAs (Embodied Conversational Agents) acting as virtual tutors. We have conducted an empirical study where we focused on the distribution of gaze, head and eyebrowns ...

Automatic 3d virtual cloning of a speaking human face

In this paper we present an algorithm for automatically cloning a speaking human face for virtual reality applications and virtual worlds buildings. A person trains the algorithm by speaking; the algorithm learns the articulatory movements and generates ...

A virtual coaching environment for improving golf swing technique

As a proficient golf swing is a key element of success in golf, many golfers make significant effort improving their stroke mechanics. In order to help enhance golfing performance, it is important to identify the performance determining factors within ...

GrabcutD: improved grabcut using depth information

Popular state of the art segmentation methods such as Grab cut include a matting technique to calculate the alpha values for boundaries of segmented regions. Conventional Grabcut relies only on color information to achieve segmentation. Recently, there ...

3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor building scenes from a single image

In this paper, a novel method is proposed able to automatically generate accurate 3D models of both outdoor buildings and indoor scenes with perspective cues from line segments that are automatically extracted from a single image with an uncalibrated ...

  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • University of London
