Cited By
View all- Chrysostomou DSirakoulis GGasteratos A(2014)A bio-inspired multi-camera system for dynamic crowd analysisPattern Recognition Letters10.1016/j.patrec.2013.11.02044:C(141-151)Online publication date: 15-Jul-2014
Planning pedestrian environments requires that designers understand how pedestrians interact with their environment and one another. With improved knowledge, the design and planning of pedestrian areas can provide improvements in safety, throughput, and ...
Navigation is an innate ability for humans, but simulating this capability in a virtual environment is no easy task and has been of interest to researchers for over a decade. This paper describes the development of ISAPT, an individual-based Intermodal ...
This paper presents a pedestrian route choice model devised to represent the influence of the impedance generated by other pedestrians on the route choice process. This model is inspired by friction force equations, and considers that pedestrians avoid ...
Society for Computer Simulation International
San Diego, CA, United States
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