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View all- Lieberman S(2011)Extensible software for whole of society modeling: framework and preliminary resultsSIMULATION10.1177/003754971140491888:5(557-564)Online publication date: Sep-2011
In order to extend the ongoing academic and practitioner dialogs germane to Human, Social, Cultural, and Behavioral (HSCB) modeling and simulation, we introduce a novel extensible methodology for modeling Complex Adaptive Social Systems (CASS) that ...
Visualizations of cultural heritage collections play an increasing role in supporting the sensemaking processes of visitors and researchers. While many visualization systems provide overview and exploration options for non-expert audiences or casual ...
Museum curators and personnel are interested in understanding what is happening at their museum: what exhibitions and exhibits do visitors attend to, what exhibits visitors spend most time at, what hours of the day are most busy at certain areas in the ...
Society for Computer Simulation International
San Diego, CA, United States
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