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What information does this question convey?: leveraging help-seeking behavior for improved modeling in a simulation-based intelligent tutor

Published: 11 April 2010 Publication History


Asking questions is an important help-seeking behavior that many intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) do not use. Allowing learners to ask questions of an ITS has the potential to improve learning and also to provide a new source of input for ITSs' internal models. In this paper, the different ways an ITS can input questions, answer them, and then use them to update its student model are discussed. A taxonomy of question response for model-based learning environments is proposed, and inquiry modeling, a new framework to let learners ask questions of an ITS with more freedom than existing methods, is described. Inquiry modeling is being developed and tested in a popular military training simulation, the DVTE-CAN.


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  1. What information does this question convey?: leveraging help-seeking behavior for improved modeling in a simulation-based intelligent tutor



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      SpringSim '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference
      April 2010
      1726 pages


      • SCS: Society for Modeling and Simulation International



      Society for Computer Simulation International

      San Diego, CA, United States

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      Published: 11 April 2010


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      1. help-seeking
      2. inquiry modeling
      3. intelligent tutoring systems
      4. simulation-based training
      5. student modeling


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      SpringSim '10: 2010 Spring Simulation Conference
      April 11 - 15, 2010
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