Cited By
View all- Tsai WLi WSarjoughian HShao QBiaz SWu S(2011)SimSaaSProceedings of the 44th Annual Simulation Symposium10.5555/2048370.2048381(77-86)Online publication date: 3-Apr-2011
In scalable and widely distributed Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) environments, supervision is necessary to ensure services are behaving as expected and to trigger the corrective actions when needed. More specically, when dealing with distributed ...
Event-driven architecture is gaining momentum in research and application areas as it promises enhanced responsiveness and asynchronous communication. The combination of event-driven and service-oriented architectural paradigms and web service ...
This tutorial explains how to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for reliable systems using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) technologies. The first half of the tutorial describes terms of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) including service, ...
Society for Computer Simulation International
San Diego, CA, United States
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