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Fast parallel surface and solid voxelization on GPUs

Published: 15 December 2010 Publication History


This paper presents data-parallel algorithms for surface and solid voxelization on graphics hardware. First, a novel conservative surface voxelization technique, setting all voxels overlapped by a mesh's triangles, is introduced, which is up to one order of magnitude faster than previous solutions leveraging the standard rasterization pipeline. We then show how the involved new triangle/box overlap test can be adapted to yield a 6-separating surface voxelization, which is thinner but still connected and gap-free. Complementing these algorithms, both a triangle-parallel and a tile-based technique for solid voxelization are subsequently presented. Finally, addressing the high memory consumption of high-resolution voxel grids, we introduce a novel octree-based sparse solid voxelization approach, where only close to the solid's boundary finest-level voxels are stored, whereas uniform interior and exterior regions are represented by coarser-level voxels. This representation is created directly from a mesh without requiring a full intermediate solid voxelization, enabling GPU-based voxelizations of unprecedented size.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 29, Issue 6
December 2010
480 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 15 December 2010
Published in TOG Volume 29, Issue 6


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  1. GPU computing
  2. octree
  3. overlap testing
  4. parallel data structure creation
  5. voxelization


  • Research-article


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