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An adaptive cache coherence protocol for chip multiprocessors

Published: 19 June 2010 Publication History


Multi-core architectures also referred to as Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have emerged as the dominant architecture for both desktop and high-performance systems. CMPs introduce many challenges that need to be addressed to achieve the best performance. One of the big challenges comes with the shared-memory model observed in such architectures which is the cache coherence overhead problem. Contemporary architectures employ write-invalidate based protocols which are known to generate coherence misses that yield to latency issues. On the other hand, write-update based protocols can solve the coherence misses problem but they tend to generate excessive network traffic which is especially not desirable for CMPs. Previous studies have shown that a single protocol approach is not sufficient for many sharing patterns. As a solution, this paper evaluates an adaptive protocol which targets write-update optimizations for producer-consumer sharing patterns. This work targets a minimalistic hardware extension approach to test the benefits of such adaptive protocols in a practical environment. Experimental study is conducted on a 16-core CMP by using a full-system simulator with selected scientific applications from SPLASH-2 and NAS parallel benchmark suites. Results show up to 40% improvement for coherence misses which corresponds to 15% application speedup.


NAS Parallel Benchmarks,
NAS Parallel Benchmarks, openmp version developed by omni group,
Teraflops research chip,
Tile-gx100, a 100-core microprocessor from Tilera corporation,
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IFMT '10: Proceedings of the Second International Forum on Next-Generation Multicore/Manycore Technologies
June 2010
91 pages
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  • E-JUST: Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
  • CAS: IBM Centers for Advanced Studies
  • INRIA: Institut Natl de Recherche en Info et en Automatique



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 19 June 2010


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  1. cache coherence protocols
  2. chip-multiprocessors
  3. directory-based cache coherence
  4. multi-core architectures


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IFMT '10
  • E-JUST
  • CAS


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