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10.1145/1899503.1899507acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageshtConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Mobile user experience in a mlearning environment

Published: 11 October 2010 Publication History


The purpose of this paper is to explore components that influence the Mobile User Experience (MEX) in a mlearning interaction through a review of relevant literature. The application of mobile cellular technology in education has been the focus of the emerging domain of mlearning, and has, through numerous pilots and initiatives, been shown as having the potential to overcome several barriers experienced in education. This potential is, however counterbalanced by studies that show the relative high dropout rate and non-use for learners using a diverse array of electronic learning systems when compared to the traditional face-to-face classroom interactions. The learners as end-users often indicate a frustration with the technology as a major obstacle for the use and participation in technology enhanced learning systems. Moreover, organizations are increasingly requiring evidence that technology enhanced learning systems and programs will be widely accepted and utilized before implementing them. This paper explores and documents the components that would impact on the phenomena within a discourse between the technology affordances and domain requirements as revealed by the literature in the domains of mlearning and Mobile Human Computer Interaction (MHCI).


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      SAICSIT '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists
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