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SIGGRAPH '94: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques
ACM1994 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SIGGRAPH94: 21st International ACM Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
24 July 1994

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Open Access
Seminal Paper
Seminal Paper
Evolving virtual creatures

This paper describes a novel system for creating virtual creatures that move and behave in simulated three-dimensional physical worlds. The morphologies of creatures and the neural systems for controlling their muscle forces are both generated ...

Fast contact force computation for nonpenetrating rigid bodies

A new algorithm for computing contact forces between solid objects with friction is presented. The algorithm allows a mix of contact points with static and dynamic friction. In contrast to previous approaches, the problem of computing contact forces is ...

Hierarchical spacetime control

Specifying the motion of an animated linked figure such that it achieves given tasks (e.g., throwing a ball into a basket) and performs the tasks in a realistic fashion (e.g., gracefully, and following physical laws such as gravity) has been an elusive ...

Artificial fishes: physics, locomotion, perception, behavior

This paper proposes a framework for animation that can achieve the intricacy of motion evident in certain natural ecosystems with minimal input from the animator. The realistic appearance, movement, and behavior of individual animals, as well as the ...

Textures and radiosity: controlling emission and reflection with texture maps

In this paper we discuss the efficient and accurate incorporation of texture maps into a hierarchical Galerkin radiosity algorithm. This extension of the standard algorithm allows the use of textures to describe complex reflectance and emittance ...

Error-bounded antialiased rendering of complex environments

In previous work, we presented an algorithm to accelerate z-buffer rendering of enormously complex scenes. Here, we extend the approach to antialiased rendering with an algorithm that guarantees that each pixel of the output image is within a user-...

Bounds and error estimates for radiosity

We present a method for determining a posteriori bounds and estimates for local and total errors in radiosity solutions. The ability to obtain bounds and estimates for the total error is crucial fro reliably judging the acceptability of a solution. ...

A framework for the analysis of error in global illumination algorithms

In this paper we identify sources of error in global illumination algorithms and derive bounds for each distinct category. Errors arise from three sources: inaccuracies in the boundary data, discretization, and computation. Boundary data consists of ...

Multiresolution painting and compositing

We describe a representation for multiresolution images—images that have different resolutions in different places—and methods for creating such images using painting and compositing operations. These methods are very easy to implement, and they are ...

Open Access
Seminal Paper
Seminal Paper
Computer-generated pen-and-ink illustration

This paper describes the principles of traditional pen-and-ink illustration, and shows how a great number of them can be implemented as part of an automated rendering system. It introduces “stroke textures,” which can be used for achieving both texture ...

Open Access
Seminal Paper
Seminal Paper
Interactive pen-and-ink illustration

We present an interactive system for creating pen-and-ink illustrations. The system uses stroke textures—collections of strokes arranged in different patterns—to generate texture and tone. The user “paints” with a desired stroke texture to achieve a ...

Drawing and animation using skeletal strokes

The use of skeletal strokes is a new vector graphics realization of the brush and stroke metaphor using arbitrary pictures as “ink”. It is based on an idealized 2D deformation model defined by an arbitrary path. Its expressiveness as a general brush ...

Efficient techniques for interactive texture placement

This paper describes efficient algorithms for the placement and distortion of textures. The textures include surface color maps and environment maps. Affine transformations of a texture, as well as localized warps, are used to align features in the ...

Rotated dispersed dither: a new technique for digital halftoning

Rotated dispersed-dot dither is proposed as a new dither technique for digital halftoning. It is based on the discrete one-to-one rotation of a Bayer dispersed-dot dither array. Discrete rotation has the effect of rotating and splitting a significant ...

Energy preserving non-linear filters

Monte Carlo techniques for image synthesis are simple and powerful, but they are prone to noise from inadequate sampling. This paper describes a class of non-linear filters that remove sampling noise in synthetic images without removing salient ...

Spreadsheets for images

We describe a data visualization system based on spreadsheets. Cells in our spreadsheet contain graphical objects such as images, volumes, or movies. Cells may also contain widgets such as buttons, sliders, or curve editors. Objects are displayed in ...

A model for efficient and flexible image computing

As common as imaging operations are, the literature contains little about how to build systems for image computation. This paper presents a system which addresses the major issues of image computing. The system includes an algorithm for performing ...

Priority rendering with a virtual reality address recalculation pipeline

Virtual reality systems are placing never before seen demands on computer graphics hardware, yet few graphics systems are designed specifically for virtural reality. An address recalculation pipeline is a graphics display controller specifically ...

Reflection vector shading hardware

Surface reflections of an environment can be rendered in real time if hardware calculates an unnormalized reflection vector at each pixel. Conventional perspective-correct texture hardware can then be leveraged to draw high-quality reflections of an ...

FBRAM: a new form of memory optimized for 3D graphics

FBRAM, a new form of dynamic random access memory that greatly accelerates the rendering of Z-buffered primitives, is presented. Two key concepts make this acceleration possible. The first is to convert the read-modify-write Z-buffer compare and RGBα ...

Frameless rendering: double buffering considered harmful

The use of double-buffered displays, in which the previous image is displayed until the next image is complete, can impair the interactivity of systems that require tight coupling between the human user and the computer. We are experimenting with an ...

Hardware accelerated rendering of CSG and transparency

This paper describes algorithms for implementing accurate rendering of CSG and transparency in a hardware 3D accelerator. The algorithms are based on a hardware architecture which performs front-to-back Z-sorted shading; a multiple-pass algorithm which ...

3D position, attitude and shape input using video tracking of hands and lips

Recent developments in video-tracking allow the outlines of moving, natural objects in a video-camera input stream to be tracked live, at full video-rate. Previous systems have been available to do this for specially illuminated objects or for naturally ...

Accelerated MPEG compression of dynamic polygonal scenes

This paper describes a methodology for using the matrix-vector multiply and scan conversion hardware present in many graphics workstations to rapidly approximate the optical flow in a scene. The optical flow is a 2-dimensional vector field describing ...

Improving static and dynamic registration in an optical see-through HMD

In Augmented Reality, see-through HMDs superimpose virtual 3D objects on the real world. This technology has the potential to enhance a user's perception and interaction with the real world. However, many Augmented Reality applications will not be ...

A virtual environment and model of the eye for surgical simulation

An anatomically detailed 3-D computer graphic model of the eye and surrounding face within a virtual environment has been implemented for use in a surgical simulator. The simulator forms part of a teleoperated micro-surgical robotic system being ...

Wavelength dependent reflectance functions

A wavelength based bidirectional reflectance function is developed for use in realistic image synthesis. A geodesic sphere is employed to represent the BRDF, and a novel data structure is used to store this description and to recall it for rendering ...

Polarization and birefringency considerations in rendering

In this work we render non-opaque anisotropic media. A mathematical formalism is described in which polarization effects resulting from light/material interactions are represented as transformation matrices.

When applying the matrices a skewing is ...

A fast shadow algorithm for area light sources using backprojection

The fast identification of shadow regions due to area light sources is necessary for realistic rendering and for discontinuity meshing for global illumination. A new shadow-determination algorithm is presented that uses a data structure, called a ...

Fast computation of shadow boundaries using spatial coherence and backprojections

This paper describes a fast, practical algorithm to compute the shadow boundaries in a polyhedral scene illuminated by a polygonal light source. The shadow boundaries divide the faces of the scene into regions such that the structure or “aspect” of the ...

Cited By

  1. Methorst J, van Hilten N, Hoti A, Stroh K and Risselada H (2024). When Data Are Lacking: Physics-Based Inverse Design of Biopolymers Interacting with Complex, Fluid Phases, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00874, 20:5, (1763-1776), Online publication date: 12-Mar-2024.
  2. Jütte L, Poschke A, Overmeyer L, Hahlweg C and Mulley J (2023). Marker-based registration error estimation in see-through AR applications Novel Optical Systems, Methods, and Applications XXVI, 10.1117/12.2676355, 9781510665446, (16)
  3. Jütte L, Poschke A, Küster B, Overmeyer L, Tescher A and Ebrahimi T (2022). Quantitative performance evaluation in an augmented reality view enhancement driver assistant system Applications of Digital Image Processing XLV, 10.1117/12.2633264, 9781510654365, (44)
  4. Markos A, Shahinian H, Zaytsev D, Navare J and Kress B (2019). Scanning depth sensor for see-through AR glasses Optical Design Challenge 2019, 10.1117/12.2523829, 9781510627468, (10)
  5. Mozafary V and Payvandy P (2017). Introducing and optimizing a novel mesh for simulating knitted fabric, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 10.1080/00405000.2017.1335446, 109:2, (202-218), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018.
  6. Verikas A, Radeva P, Nikolaev D, Ning J, Xu X, Ma T and Yu W (2015). Research and implementation of visualization techniques for 3D explosion fields Eighth International Conference on Machine Vision, 10.1117/12.2228880, , (98751M), Online publication date: 8-Dec-2015.
  7. Widenhorn R, Dupret A, Porral P, Callet P, Fuchs P, Muller T and Sandré-Chardonnal E (2015). High dynamic, spectral, and polarized natural light environment acquisition IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 10.1117/12.2075342, , (94030B), Online publication date: 13-Mar-2015.
  • United States Air Force Academy
  • Microsoft Research


Acceptance Rates

SIGGRAPH '94 Paper Acceptance Rate 57 of 242 submissions, 24%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 1,822 of 8,601 submissions, 21%
SIGGRAPH '114328219%
SIGGRAPH '1039010326%
SIGGRAPH '094397818%
SIGGRAPH '085189017%
SIGGRAPH '0745510824%
SIGGRAPH '064748618%
SIGGRAPH '054619821%
SIGGRAPH '044788317%
SIGGRAPH '034248119%
SIGGRAPH '023586719%
SIGGRAPH '013006522%
SIGGRAPH '003045919%
SIGGRAPH '993205216%
SIGGRAPH '983034515%
SIGGRAPH '972654818%
SIGGRAPH '962475221%
SIGGRAPH '952575622%
SIGGRAPH '942425724%
SIGGRAPH '932254620%
SIGGRAPH '922134521%
SIGGRAPH '902104320%
SIGGRAPH '891903820%
SIGGRAPH '881613421%
SIGGRAPH '871403324%
SIGGRAPH '851753520%
SIGGRAPH '841184135%
SIGGRAPH '811323829%
SIGGRAPH '801405237%
SIGGRAPH '791104339%
SIGGRAPH '781206453%