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View all- Keshet RMaor AKour G(2016)Prediction-Based, Prioritized Market-Share Insight ExtractionAdvanced Data Mining and Applications10.1007/978-3-319-49586-6_6(81-94)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2016
The Scatter Plot Matrix (SPLOM) is a well-known technique for visual analysis of high-dimensional data. However, one problem of large SPLOMs is that typically not all views are potentially relevant to a given analysis task or user. The matrix itself may ...
Though biomedical research often draws on knowledge from a wide variety of fields, few visualization methods for biomedical data incorporate meaningful cross-database exploration. A new approach is offered for visualizing and exploring a query-based ...
We present a new model for creating composite visualizations of multidimensional data sets using simple visual representations such as point charts, scatterplots and parallel coordinates as components. Each visual representation is contained in a tile, ...
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