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A technique for the effective and automatic reuse of classical compiler optimizations on multithreaded code

Published: 26 January 2011 Publication History


A large body of data-flow analyses exists for analyzing and optimizing sequential code. Unfortunately, much of it cannot be directly applied on parallel code, for reasons of correctness. This paper presents a technique to automatically, aggressively, yet safely apply sequentially-sound data-flow transformations, without change, on shared-memory programs. The technique is founded on the notion of program references being "siloed" on certain control-flow paths. Intuitively, siloed references are free of interference from other threads within the confines of such paths. Data-flow transformations can, in general, be unblocked on siloed references.
The solution has been implemented in a widely used compiler. Results on benchmarks from SPLASH-2 show that performance improvements of up to 41% are possible, with an average improvement of 6% across all the tested programs over all thread counts.

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  1. A technique for the effective and automatic reuse of classical compiler optimizations on multithreaded code



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    POPL '11: Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages
    January 2011
    652 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 46, Issue 1
      POPL '11
      January 2011
      624 pages
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