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An object-centric interaction framework for tangible interfaces in virtual environments

Published: 22 January 2010 Publication History


The spatial and semantic integration of tangible user interfaces (TUI) into virtual environments is a promising approach to enhance mixed reality-applications with dynamic three-dimensional graphics and graspable controls. Although various software frameworks for virtual reality periphery and tangible interaction exist, a novel framework which provides a high-level TUI-object-centric interface (instead of device-centric interface) and duplex access to important physical properties of TUI-objects, e.g. three-dimensional position, sensor states, force actuators could foster the development of such mixed-reality applications.
This paper describes a TUI-VR-framework whose aim is to support the development of physically enriched VR-applications. It focuses on the spatial and manipulative properties of TUI-objects, leaving it to the application to implement interaction techniques, semantics and expressive physical/digital couplings [cf. 10, 27].
On the programming side, the primary goals of the framework are the integration of a device abstraction layer, a lightweight application programming interface and full duplex communication between the TUI-application and interaction devices. The framework allows for a distributed system configuration and is highly customizable. Various virtual reality tracking frameworks and devices (e.g. VRPN, Ascension MotionStar, force-feedback devices) and physical toolkits (e.g. Phidgets) are already integrated. Further adapters can also easily be integrated.
The capabilities and flexibility of the framework are illustrated at the end of the paper by means of two use cases.


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                      cover image ACM Conferences
                      TEI '11: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction
                      January 2011
                      470 pages
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                      Association for Computing Machinery

                      New York, NY, United States

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                      Published: 22 January 2010


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                      1. client-server architecture
                      2. device abstraction layer
                      3. event-driven architecture
                      4. mixed reality
                      5. object centric interaction framework
                      6. tangible user interfaces
                      7. virtual reality


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