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10.1145/1936652.1936665acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesissConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Using a depth camera as a touch sensor

Published: 07 November 2010 Publication History


We explore the application of depth-sensing cameras to detect touch on a tabletop. Limits of depth estimate resolution and line of sight requirements dictate that the determination of the moment of touch will not be as precise as that of more direct sensing techniques such as capacitive touch screens. However, using a depth-sensing camera to detect touch has significant advantages: first, the interactive surface need not be instrumented. Secondly, this approach allows touch sensing on non-flat surfaces. Finally, information about the shape of the users and their arms and hands above the surface may be exploited in useful ways, such as determining hover state, or that multiple touches are from same hand or from the same user. We present techniques and findings using Microsoft Kinect.

Supplementary Material

JPG File (p69-wilson.jpg)
MP4 File (p69-wilson.mp4)


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[2], last accessed Sep. 28, 2010.
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cover image ACM Conferences
ITS '10: ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces
November 2010
327 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 November 2010


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  1. depth-sensing cameras
  2. touchscreen interfaces


  • Research-article


ITS'10: Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces
November 7 - 10, 2010
Saarbrücken, Germany

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Overall Acceptance Rate 119 of 418 submissions, 28%


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