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Cryptography based access control in healthcare web systems

Published: 01 October 2010 Publication History


Access control is the capacity of a particular subject (user, process) to permit or deny the use of a specific object (data, file). Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources and logical resources. Cryptography access control in a healthcare Web system provides logical control for sharing resources and access rights subject to object. However, designing access control for healthcare information systems is difficult due to the culture of the healthcare, the rapid changing, and the tasks performed. This work examined existing access control models, providing a broad presentation for cryptographic algorithms including cryptography access control-based systems. In the last part, a new model is presented based on integrating cryptography access control with role access control and hierarchy using Suite B (NSA recommendation). The model is based on the using entity (which could be a local medical center or hospital), while the security level between entities are distributed and based on PKI.


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InfoSecCD '10: 2010 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference
October 2010
187 pages
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  • KSU - CISE: KSU Center for InfoSec Education
  • ISSA: The Metro Atlanta Information Systems Security Association



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2010


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  1. access control
  2. cryptography
  3. cryptography access control
  4. information assurance
  5. information security
  6. public key infrastructure (PKI)
  7. role-based access control


  • Research-article


InfoSecCD '10
  • KSU - CISE
  • ISSA

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