Cited By
View all- Shoulson ABadler N(2011)Event-Centric Control for Background AgentsInteractive Storytelling10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_21(193-198)Online publication date: 2011
Although the traits emerged in a mass gathering are often non-deliberative, the act of mass impulse may lead to irrevocable crowd disasters. The two-fold increase of carnage in crowd since the past two decades has spurred significant advances in the ...
Do people in a crowd behave like a set of isolated individuals or like a cohesive group? Studies of crowd modeling usually consider pedestrian behavior either from the point of view of an isolated individual or from that of large swarms. We introduce ...
We present a hierarchical behavior model to simulate realistic crowd behaviors. This model is composed of two parts. One is the low density behavior module, emphasizing the autonomy and diversity of the behaviors. The other is high density behavior ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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